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Nostalgia for Closed Companies

I have a nearly new puck of Mitchell's Wool Fat (old formula) and three unopened pucks in reserve. Hearing that Mitchell's is closing was disappointing, and I was happy to have what will be more than a lifetime supply. I picked up an Above the Tie X1 Slant while they were still full steam ahead and was dismayed that ATT closed their doors. Yes, I know that Blackland has revived them in a small way, but it isn't the same for me. At one point, I'd strongly considered a Yates, but at the time, I had recently acquired so many vintage Gillettes that another purchase made no sense to me. Now that Yates is no more, I regret not making a purchase. After I get through GRUYERE, I may try to purchase a Yates through BST, but I regret not making the original purchase.

Do you feel regret or nostalgia for shaving gear that is no longer produced? Considering how popular vintage Gillettes are, I believe the easy answer is yes! But how about companies like Yates that are new has beens? Do you regret not trying something from a company that is no more?
If the product is good to great, and the company folds, I have no regrets purchasing from them. Yes maybe a regret not getting more (if I knew) but that is water under the bridge. Plus I lost my magic 8 ball years ago on the same river.
But hey, it least I supported them as best I could before they closed the doors for whatever reason(s). Small business (especially in the USA) are just tough period, to say the least.

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Dances with Wolfs
My second favorite razor of all time is the Charcoal Goods Level 2, Gens 1 and 2. CG was one of the great early artisan razor manufacturers, with mind blowing artistic razor designs, coupled with amazing shave dynamics. Unfortunately CG has closed down, and these razors will never be made again. I have an example of the Level 2 in all three metals. I have also had five other CG razors that I sold before the company became extinct permanently. I don’t regret selling those, as they didn’t fit me, and I passed them along to users here on the BST at a realistic price. I’ve never been one to gouge. I am lucky to have the three razors I still possess, plus about a dozen of their extraordinarily Artistic handles.

My third favorite razor is the Tradere OC. I have the version produced for a short time by Blackland. The Tradere is a very unique, early artisan razor. It went bye bye for a long time. It was then resurrected in its exacting original format by Shane from Blackland, with the cooperation of its original designer/manufacturer. After couple of runs, Blackland also discontinued the Tradere. It is a wonderful razor in every respect.

My first favorite razor is still in production fortunately.

So yes, I do enjoy things from extinct modern companies, and/or discontinued products.
There are a few things I wish were still around, like Yardley and Old Spice shaving soap. On thre other hand there are many newer companies producing shaving gear of all sorts, so it balances out. If all the defunct companies had stayed in business there might not be room in the market for new ones.

I miss Yardley. That's what my dad was using when I began shaving. Then, after Yardley went away, we switched to Old Spice. I still have two mugs with OS in them, which I use once in a while.

I also miss Personna 74 blades. I wish Accutec in Verona,VA would put them back into production. But, at least, they still make their Med Preps.

My second favorite razor of all time is the Charcoal Goods Level 2, Gens 1 and 2. CG was one of the great early artisan razor manufacturers, with mind blowing artistic razor designs, coupled with amazing shave dynamics. Unfortunately CG has closed down, and these razors will never be made again. I have an example of the Level 2 in all three metals. I have also had five other CG razors that I sold before the company became extinct permanently. I don’t regret selling those, as they didn’t fit me, and I passed them along to users here on the BST at a realistic price. I’ve never been one to gouge. I am lucky to have the three razors I still possess, plus about a dozen of their extraordinarily Artistic handles.

My third favorite razor is the Tradere OC. I have the version produced for a short time by Blackland. The Tradere is a very unique, early artisan razor. It went bye bye for a long time. It was then resurrected in its exacting original format by Shane from Blackland, with the cooperation of its original designer/manufacturer. After couple of runs, Blackland also discontinued the Tradere. It is a wonderful razor in every respect.

My first favorite razor is still in production fortunately.

So yes, I do enjoy things from extinct modern companies, and/or discontinued products.
My first razor was an Above the Tie DE with a 3" Atlas barber pole handle and an R (regular) plate. I still use that razor and cherish all of the original ATT razors I own, in particular my newest X1 Slant.
The only case of this I've had to deal with is the discontinuation of certain Russian-made Gillette blades. Fortunately, I've managed to hoard enough that I should be good for another century or two. :laugh:
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