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Just received autostrop valet for XMAS

I just received a set in a shiny metal case as a gift. I think it is great condition I cleaned and sanitized it last night so it's all good to go I just need razors. Does anyone have any info of this razor or any leads to where I can find any razors other than flea bay. I already found a replacement leather strop for it so I will order it soon. Does anyone know how well it shaves? How do I find out what year it was made?
They made Valets for several decades, starting in the late teens. Some can take standard single edge blades with the spine removed while others need the blades made by Feather or the original Valet blades that need to be sharpened. Put up a couple pictures and we can help you out.

They are capable of providing excellent shaves, I use one regularly.
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