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just pulled the trigger on a yixing

I bought one from that seller about 5 months ago for about that price. The lid could certainly fit a bit better, but it's certainly a nice teapot for the money.
when you put your finger over the hole did the watter stop?

No, that's how I can tell the lid could fit better. It certainly slowed the flow considerably, but not a stop by any means. It's a fine pot for the price and mine gets plenty of Oolong use, when I am in the mood for that sort of thing.
Having an airtight lid is not a necessary requirement for a yixing pot to brew tea. It's just usually one of many characteristics one might look at to determine how well put together a handmade pot is. Of course, 90%+ of yixing out there are slip, or mold cast. It will probably leak a little, but gongfucha is kind of about making a mess anyway.

I highly recommend using a gaiwan to at least have a constant when testing teas in your pot so you can see if the yixing makes them better or worse than the gaiwan. In my personal experiences, very few yixings improve the taste of any tea, and even then the differences were never huge enough to justify the costs.
yea i just like the idea of having a nice little pot and not almoast dropping it. iv nearly dropped my gaiwan a couple times due to eather slipping or it being to hot. so the idea of a yixing is a nice change.
I bought a pot from them at a similar price point and I know use it as a desk decoration. I was hoping that it would be good for shu but my gaiwan out performs it in all ways.

I'm not upset that the pot was lousy. I knew I was risking it but $8 shipped was too interesting to not spin the wheel.:lol:
i think ill be using it for that shu i got. it could definately use some "melowing"
well got this one payed 10usd for it.
not expecting much out of it for that much but it will save my fingers from that gaiwan. (its a little hard to hold when full of boiling water.

This will make a nice paperweight. Most of us have suffered from the delusion that there is a nice workable pot for $10. I have three....lol. The one I bought from them poured so poorly that I broke out the screen. It pours better now....but is always clogged. Sooooooo....I never use it. :lol:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
In a rush to obtain everything at once, we all tend to make decisions that we'll come to look back upon and laugh. I bought two such pots from them, proving once again that a good working definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting different results. I feel better knowing that PK, who knows a thing or two about tea :thumbup1:, bought more than I did.
In the long run, we pay for our inability to delay gratification. PK could have purchased one nice pot for the price of the three cheapies, and I have more than my share of "what the hell was I thinking" items laying around.

The good news is that you can brew tea in them. The thin walled construction and poor fit will not produce the results of a good pot, though.
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