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Just improved my shave prep routine.

My usual prep routine is nothing fancy... after finishing a hot shower, I dry off but leave my face a bit damp and go directly to face lathering for about a minute or so. I've tried pre-shave oils, gels, and also Kyle's prep but found that they didn't really provide any additional benefit to just a hot shower and face lathering.

This morning I remembered that I had read somewhere that the key to a good shave is for your skin to be supple so that it moves with the razor rather than being rigid and getting in the way of the razor. That said, I finished my shower as usual and dried off my face along with my body. I then applied CeraVe face moisturizer and let it soak in while I filled up the sink and prepared my shaving gear. I then wet my face, face lathered and went to work.

WOW.... it really made a significant difference. There was noticeably less friction and better yet my face stayed moist even on the second pass. After the shave, I finished with my usual cold water, then WH, then AS splash. I skipped the ASB because I felt no need.

Two hours later now and face feels great.

If you're going to try it, make sure you use an oil-free non-comedogenic moisturizer so that you don't clog your pores.

Tomorrow, I'll try GFT Skin Food as a pre-shave moisturizer and see if it works as well as today's CeraVe.
That's a good one.

I shave in the shower and wash my face twice with a glycerin-based soap first. Second wash I leave the soap on while I tend to other shower tasks and then just lather up on top of it. Similar affect...

Shaving in the shower, or immediately following a shower, works best for me. There are times, though, when I want or need to shave without showering first. I've found that first soaking my face with a washcloth and hot water followed by washing my face with a combination shampoo + conditioner works very well.
Congratulations! You could always tried unrefined shea butter for post-shave as this will greatly improve how your skin feels and looks in a matter of days. Good luck.
It's funny how past practices stay with us, and we may not realize why. Years ago, I wore a full beard...in fact, I stopped shaving the day I got out of the Navy, and didn't get a haircut or trim my beard until I graduated from college. Then I trimmed both to "acceptable" lengths for my employer. I shaved my upper cheeks and throat, but otherwise had a full beard. I liked to shave before getting in the shower, since I used a cartridge razor and foam, and the foam would get in my beard; I liked to wash it out in the shower. Plus, it was easier for me to trim the outline of my beard while looking in the mirror over the sink. This was my shaving routine for many years. At some point, when I started to get gray in my beard (which it did long before any gray hair showed up on my head) I shaved the beard off. (My wife and I had been married for years before she saw me without a beard...she said if she had known I was so ugly, she wouldn't have married me!) My chest hair went completely white years ago...even now, I have more brown hair on my head than gray.

I haven't worn a beard for many years, but it seems more natural for me to shave before getting in the shower, versus after...or at least, in the shower. Old habits die hard!
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