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Just got my Kent Blk 8 today!

I can't wait till the a.m. to try out my Kent Blk 8 that i received in the mail today. I've been using a tweezerman for the last 5 months, which has been pretty decent actually, but i decided to step it up a notch or 2 and go for a good silver tip. I contemplated shaving tonight but i've had more than a few cocktails and tequila shots and i'm new to DE shaving so i don't want to take any risks. I also got a nice stand to display my new brush and my Merkur 34c. Maybe i'll put up some pics tomorrow. I've been using Santa Maria Novella cream for a couple months and i really enjoy it even though it's a bit pricey. What are other people's thoughts?
Congratulations on the Kent. The new brush will feel MUCH softer on your face than the tweezerman and you should really enjoy it's performance. We definitely want pictures!
I used to own it until I sold it to a B&B member from Sweden - great brush for bowl lathering !

I only face lather now....

And awesome in black.
Nice. Very "luxurious" photo. That brush is definitely on the short list for my next brush purchase. I'm mostly a cream user and bowl/scuttle latherer.... so I think it could be the ideal brush for me someday. The BLK12 seems a bit too big, but the BLK8 seems just right to me. Enjoy!!

Great choice on your new brush. I think that it is one of the most luxurious brushes on the market. I face lather exclusively and enjoy using it immensely for either soaps or creams. That first massage that you experience when this brush contacts your face is going to be fantastic. While this brush is great for soaps and creams, I think that it really excels with creams and is perhaps the finest cream brush made.


I hope that this one takes for you Claus. It is a wonderful brush and I am sure that you will enjoy it the second time around. Make sure that you take pictures for yourself because as you may remember, this brush really blooms.


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