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Jos. A. Bank --- The Good Sale is Going on now

I bought 3 during a sale last year. Yes, they are a great deal. Yes, the quality is not the highest. But it depends on why you're buying them. Me, I travel 2-3 times per month, and a suit is required for these trips. These suits are fine for that. If you are wearing them every single day, these won't last.

BTW, I bought their "travel suits", whatever they call them. They are designed for travel. So I was skeptical at first, thinking "how the heck does that work"? Their salesperson was unclear too on how they actually worked. Well, what happens is that when your take them out of your roller bag, they are wrinkled. You just hang them in the closet (or I hang them on the shower rod), and they magically spring to an unwrinkled state overnight. I kid you not. The fabric has little coil springs imbedded! LOL! Must be some polymer in the fabric. But the wrinkles do go away. I am impressed. The material looks normal too. Hey, I say go for it.
I bought 3 during a sale last year. Yes, they are a great deal. Yes, the quality is not the highest. But it depends on why you're buying them. Me, I travel 2-3 times per month, and a suit is required for these trips. These suits are fine for that. If you are wearing them every single day, these won't last.

BTW, I bought their "travel suits", whatever they call them. They are designed for travel. So I was skeptical at first, thinking "how the heck does that work"? Their salesperson was unclear too on how they actually worked. Well, what happens is that when your take them out of your roller bag, they are wrinkled. You just hang them in the closet (or I hang them on the shower rod), and they magically spring to an unwrinkled state overnight. I kid you not. The fabric has little coil springs imbedded! LOL! Must be some polymer in the fabric. But the wrinkles do go away. I am impressed. The material looks normal too. Hey, I say go for it.

They claim it's in the weave that they use, since they're 100% wool. I have my doubts, but I'm going in tomorrow to get my sharkskin traveler suit marked up for alterations. The guy who posted about the pants being baggy seemed spot on. The jacket seemed to hang like a sack as well on me, though. I hope they can pin it and show me what it's supposed to look like when they are done, because if I had to walk out with it in it's current state, I'd walk away.
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