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Hawaii governer signs bill to legalize all weapons for open carry


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
So amazingly, or not so amazingly, our illustrious government pushed a bill through to legalize all weapons for open carry with the exception of firearms.

Apparently the lawsuit before the 9th circuit now dealing with Butterfly knives under the second amendment Bruen ruling didn’t look good for Hawaii, so they passed this bill to try to moot that lawsuit.

So now I am going to spurge on the formerly forbidden fruit of an OTF knife. As long as can be seen in my pocket eg. clip or tip of the scales I can carry it. I can also strap Japanese Katana on my back to grab a beer or walk on Waikiki Beach. Our mayor was against CCW cause he felt it would frighten tourists. No one told him a CCW would never be seen anyway, and now people are going to be walking around with who knows what hanging from their belt. Might have to pick up a tactical tomohawk for the belt while I’m at it.

As always, this great idea wasn’t thought through very well. The local 2a group is organizing a spear/halberd/sword/pitchfork march to celebrate the bill lol.

Claudel Xerxes

Staff member
Shirtless Saturdays are in full affect.

So amazingly, or not so amazingly, our illustrious government pushed a bill through to legalize all weapons for open carry with the exception of firearms.

Apparently the lawsuit before the 9th circuit now dealing with Butterfly knives under the second amendment Bruen ruling didn’t look good for Hawaii, so they passed this bill to try to moot that lawsuit.

So now I am going to spurge on the formerly forbidden fruit of an OTF knife. As long as can be seen in my pocket eg. clip or tip of the scales I can carry it. I can also strap Japanese Katana on my back to grab a beer or walk on Waikiki Beach. Our mayor was against CCW cause he felt it would frighten tourists. No one told him a CCW would never be seen anyway, and now people are going to be walking around with who knows what hanging from their belt. Might have to pick up a tactical tomohawk for the belt while I’m at it.

As always, this great idea wasn’t thought through very well. The local 2a group is organizing a spear/halberd/sword/pitchfork march to celebrate the bill lol.

Ohio used to require a CCW for handguns, but you could open carry if the business permitted it. On occasion I would stop in a Rural King, they are typically built in more rural areas and open carry is permitted. They are like a Tractor Supply except twice as large with a decent firearms department. It wasn’t uncommon to see someone with a 45 strapped to their side and everyone had a knife in their pocket or a fixed blade. It’s interesting, you never heard of a robbery or assault in one of their stores. I wonder why?
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Budget is 300ish as well. SWMBO won’t notice a 300.00 expenditure. 500.00 might be harder to fly under the radar.

Any other suggestions gents?
Budget is 300ish as well. SWMBO won’t notice a 300.00 expenditure. 500.00 might be harder to fly under the radar.

Any other suggestions gents?
You can’t go wrong with PVK https://www.pvk.com/ lots of variety.

The UTX-85 is slim and mid size


Smaller you have the Exocet Money Clip Microtech Exocet 157-10AP Double Edge Apocalyptic Blade, Black Handle - https://www.pvk.com/Microtech-Exocet-157-10AP-Apocalyptic-Blade-p/zmt-157-10ap.htm

If you want more purchase on the handle and a wider body have a look at the Cypher Microtech Cypher Gen 2 1241-10 Single Edge (Wharncliffe) Stonewash Blade, Black Handle - https://www.pvk.com/Microtech-Cypher-Gen-2-1241-10-Single-Edge-Wharnc-p/mt-1241-10.htm or the regular size Troodon Microtech Troodon 138-10 Double Edge Stonewash Blade, Black Handle - https://www.pvk.com/Microtech-Troodon-D-E-138-10-Stonewash-Finish-p/qmt-138-10.htm


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
So amazingly, or not so amazingly, our illustrious government pushed a bill through to legalize all weapons for open carry with the exception of firearms.

Apparently the lawsuit before the 9th circuit now dealing with Butterfly knives under the second amendment Bruen ruling didn’t look good for Hawaii, so they passed this bill to try to moot that lawsuit.

So now I am going to spurge on the formerly forbidden fruit of an OTF knife. As long as can be seen in my pocket eg. clip or tip of the scales I can carry it. I can also strap Japanese Katana on my back to grab a beer or walk on Waikiki Beach. Our mayor was against CCW cause he felt it would frighten tourists. No one told him a CCW would never be seen anyway, and now people are going to be walking around with who knows what hanging from their belt. Might have to pick up a tactical tomohawk for the belt while I’m at it.

As always, this great idea wasn’t thought through very well. The local 2a group is organizing a spear/halberd/sword/pitchfork march to celebrate the bill lol.

My old Chief used to say; ya know when a story is true, cuz ya jis can’t make that kinda stuff up. :).

I have a tactical to tomahawk from SOG. Figured I needed one for zombies cuz I ain’t a reloader. :)

And lol’d at spear/halberd/sword/pitchfork



The "Peter Hathaway Capstick" of small game
@OkieStubble... Always wanted a Zombie Tools Traumahawk and I really wish I had gotten a Mackdaddy-O before they were retired!
Mackdaddy-O with ZT owner for scale...

If that thing don't say FAFO I don't know what does! :lol:


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Go big or go home.
I knew a guy at our local fresh fish market that had a knife that was shaped exactly like that except on a much smaller scale, more meat cleaver sized.

If he could do away with a zombie as fast as I seen him do away with a 6 pound catfish with that cleaver?

Well, that’s just puuuure talent. :)
Budget is 300ish as well. SWMBO won’t notice a 300.00 expenditure. 500.00 might be harder to fly under the radar.

Any other suggestions gents?
No Limit Knives- Nightstalker 2, Hryax, any of their $300 knives easily match Microtechs, until you get into MT's $900+ range.


The "Peter Hathaway Capstick" of small game
I knew a guy at our local fresh fish market that had a knife that was shaped exactly like that except on a much smaller scale, more meat cleaver sized.

If he could do away with a zombie as fast as I seen him do away with a 6 pound catfish with that cleaver?

Well, that’s just puuuure talent. :)
So something more like the ZT Rat B*****d?
Rat Bastard.PNG

Or maybe a bit bigger as in the Reaver Cleaver. Pretty big with an 18" blade and lotsa leverage!
Reaver Cleaver.PNG

BRB... I gotta order something real quick! :lol:
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