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Jokes that make you groan

A doctor tells a man, "I'm afraid test results on your wife are inconclusive. It seems she has either Auto-Immune Deficiency Disorder, or Alzheimers disease.
Agast, the man replies, "What do I do?"
The doctor says, drive her out to Key West. If she makes it home, for God sakes, don't make love to her.


I shaved a fortune
A doctor tells a man, "I'm afraid test results on your wife are inconclusive. It seems she has either Auto-Immune Deficiency Disorder, or Alzheimers disease.
Agast, the man replies, "What do I do?"
The doctor says, drive her out to Key West. If she makes it home, for God sakes, don't make love to her.
Nicely cleaned up for B&B... well done. <eg>
Two attorneys walk into a diner and each orders a coffee. Then each one pulls a sandwich out of his briefcase and starts to eat it.

The owner sees this, walks over to them and says "Hey, wait a minute! Thanks for ordering coffee, but you two can't eat your own sandwiches in here!"

So the attorneys look at each other, shrug their shoulders, exchange sandwiches, and continue eating.
Daughter came out with this yesterday.

Abba are having a tour where they're all computer generated, and that they've dedicated as song to chickens........ Fanandos.

Not sure if this works outside of the UK. But I must admit after the groan I did laugh.



Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
I was writing a note and a friend asked what I was doing.
I said I was writing a condolence note to a friend saying how sorry I was that her mother had died.
He said "That's just to be nice, right? You're not the one who did it?"
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