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Jokes that make you groan

The rain had stopped and there was a big puddle in front of the bar just outside the American Legion Post. A rumpled old Army ground-pounder was standing near the edge, with a fishing line in the puddle. A curious young Marine fighter pilot came over to him and asked what he was doing. "Fishing," the old sergeant simply said.

"Poor old loon," the Marine officer thought to himself, and invited the old Army infantryman into the bar for a drink.

As he felt he should start a conversation while they were sipping their spirits, the young jet pilot winked at another pilot and asked, "How many have you caught today?" "You're number 14," the old sergeant answered, taking another sip from his double Martini. " 2 Air Force, 3 Navy and 9 Marines"
There was once a woman who had been married 4 times, and each of her husbands had died. Her husbands had interesting professions: The first was a banker, the second was an actor, the third was a preacher, and the fourth was a mortician. When asked why her husbands had such varied professions, she said: "One for the money; two for the show; three to get ready, and four to go!"
A very important man is to make a keynote speech at an Ivy League graduation, December 1948.
He has a terrible case of laryngitis. Good thing his doctor lives 3 houses down the street. It is 4 am.
He walks down the street and knocks on the door. The doctor's wife answers, opening the window on the second floor and looking down. "Who is it, she whispers?"
"Is the Dr. in?" the man whispers as loud as he can muster.
"No," she says--"C'mon up!"
At the lumberjack union/convention they're all there.
The Canadians take the stage first and say, "We took care of the upper third of the Northern Rockies in 1 month. TEN of us!
The crowd goes crazy.

The Russians are next, and say, "We took down more than 15 hectares of terrible cold woods in 3 weeks." More applause.

The Americans take the stage and say, "We rid the Sahara Forest of EVERYTHING in 4 months. Crew of 60 men!"

The crowd is silent until someone from the back breaks the silence and says, "It's not the Sahara Forest, it's the Sahara Desert!"

The American spokesman replies, "Yeah, NOW."
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