So I've looked in the wiki, and the reviews, but there doesn't seem to be a JNAT for dummies that I've found. I've already got some Shaptons and some Naniwas, but I'm looking to expand into some naturals. JNATs seem pretty popular, but there are so darn many different types, I don't know what I'm looking at or for to be honest. How do they all stack up and what is the difference between say an Asagi and a Kiita, or are these the names of the quarries they come from. The stones I've looked at seem to have about 6 names and I don't know which is the type of stone, which is the quarry, and/or what all the other names/words mean? I know that there are a lot of folks out there that swear by them, so I'm hoping some will chime in and school the newb. Thanks.