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J-e-t-s !

Don't look good for Sanchez and the boyz....they need to stop this bleeding soon..or Metronome in bed by half......
I need Sanchez to do poorly to win my Fantasy matchup.

Otherwise, I dont want the Pats to win...ever! Geaux Saints!
Ugly...ugly...Sanchez just keeps handing the ball to the Pats defense.....time for bed...

Let's go Giants............

With the exception of the Giants, I dislike all sports teams from both Boston and New York. If it were up to me, both of these teams would lose.
Pride comes before the fall. Sorry, but Rex Ryan is an A**hole. He couldn't even look Belichick in the eyes when shaking hands at games end. I'm from New Orleans originally, so it's no mystery who my team is. :thumbup1: And, I don't have much love for the Pats either, but they are the class of the conference. They put on a clinic tonight against what was considered a really good team (the best team according to Ryan :lol:) Sorry Rex.....your guys were never in the game. It was embarrassing.
Hey guys. As a Kansas City Chiefs fan I don't have a dog in the Pat/Jets rivalry. Well, other than the fact I will never forgive the Jets for unloading that baggage Herm Edwards on Kansas City. He wound up here in Kansas City for three years to destroy our team as well. Thanks a lot. And you guys got a draft pick for him! Man am I glad that Carl Peterson is gone as our GM.

Without going into a rambling response I will simply say I really like the Pats and think they are the best run franchise in the league. And they have the best coach I have seen since the days of Stram, Landry, and Knoll. Yeah, I mean that. He is that good. If my Chiefs fade out this year I don't know who I will cheer for. Steelers or Pats but it will be AFC all the way baby. The only conference for me.

Regards, Todd
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