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It's Raining Handles for Restores


Today’s mail bag dropped off a mass of BST goodness.

Three vintage brushes for restore…

EverReady 100 Green/Cream, this one has seen some action in the past and I think it is up for an 18mm Two-band Finest set at about 43mm.
EverReady 100 Red/Cream, this one should be a pretty easy restore and I think a return to boar would be good. 20mm UK white boar knot, set about where it is now.
Opal Pure Bristle 5, a pretty nice red hexagon handle. I have ordered a UK 20mm pure dark badger for it, but it may warrant a 20mm Finest.

Shave soaps and blades also arrived from other fine BST transactions, something to keep all the new handles busy for a while.

I am starting on the Green/Cream tonight. I think I can polish it up but I still want to leave plenty of its hard won character. Whoever used this one rapped it often on their mug. Those dents will stay….but hopefully I can freshen it up a might.

Does anyone have any idea how old this EverReady Green/Cream one may be?

The EverReady 100 Red/Cream is almost identical to my very first brush….an EverReady 150 in Red/White. This was my first restore and started the slippery slope. This 100 series looks older than my first brush that I purchased in 1974 as I was heading off to college.

The Opal is a unique one that I also have no idea on its history.

These old classics just look and feel right to me. I cannot wait to have them restored and back in action.
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I just started the EverReady 100 Green/Cream

Chopped the old nasty boar hair and drilled and wedged it out.


Then a light once over with 400grit wet/dry paper followed by 600g….just enough to remove the more glaring white scratch marks.


When I get home I will use some Wenol polishing paste on both the green hard rubber and cream plastic. But again just enough to spiff it up a bit, leaving most of the dents and other character marks without all the glaring warts…
I have the Green/Cream EverReady 100 ready for its knot. Polished, drilled out and the hollow base filled with epoxy. Just as soon as my knots arrive I will be ready to drill out the epoxy to set my floor and glue in a new knot. I think this one will get an 18mm two-band Finest knot.


A few more handles arrived today by way of another B&B member. The rain has stopped….I am officially drowning in handles….


The wonderful NOS EverReady 100 red/cream boar will not be restored, but I think it will be lathered up and used as is. This is a grand find. The Lucite, “:Success” I will also leave as is for a while at least. The hair seems to be in very good shape. The others from left to right are a Klenzo butterscotch/black that will require the most work as the hard rubber top has a split in it…but the base has a wonderful swirl pattern that makes this one a must restore; a Fuller butterscotch/black in excellent shape that could be put back into service with minimal work; and a Plastiset Fuller that again will only require some new hair and almost nothing else.

I should be busy all summer and maybe beyond.

Now I just need my shipment of knots….
That is nice...bone?

Yep, I'm waiting for it to arrive from UK.

They'd put it on ebay with two other brushes, it didn't sell they relisted and I asked if they'd be willing to sell the bone one by itself.

Was suprised with the BIN they came back with an even more suprised it was still available 9 hours after they relisted the BIN.

Trying to decide if I reknot in Pure Bristle, so it matches the lamplight printing, but there doesn't seem to be much around about TGN boar knots though I might consider busting open an Omega or Semogue just to keep it "faithful". Waiting to get my hands on it to see what size knot it will take.

Some nice handles in that lot Schwert!!!.

Ian I am surprised you only have one handle to work on!

Because of the low availability locally, because of the high shipping costs just to get handles shipped from overseas , because some fools have driven up the price of REAL catalin butterscotch,just cause I'm a cheap arse :blushing:...............

I'm pretty selective about what brushes I buy.

I don't actually need any more brushes but this one stood out because it met my stringent criteria ( cheap and different, oh and did I mention cheap ) :laugh:
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I ordered a UK dark and a UK cream boar this last time around. I am not sure if I will use them but I needed to see how they looked and felt.

The old EverReady 100 red/cream in the first photo may be a good candidate for the cream boar.

That bone would look nice with the UK dark. Not sure how that hair will shave though. The Omega knots with that big plastic base look good but removing the base would be required...you may have to break down and buy a dremel eh?
That bone would look nice with the UK dark. Not sure how that hair will shave though. The Omega knots with that big plastic base look good but removing the base would be required...you may have to break down and buy a dremel eh?

Yeah, Tony from TGN reckons you can't break them open but I'm willing to give it a go. I don't just want it to be boar, I want a nice "end splitting" quality boar.

Who knows it might just end up with a Silvertip A or Super or Finest.

Dremel ?!? Is there one in the workshop you're sending me ??? :lol:
I think Oz customs will not allow Dremel's that have touched exotic hair from endangered Chinese badgers...sorry I had to keep that tool back.:001_tongu
Aww, they look so purdy sitting there :001_smile

Really can't wait to see that Klenzo done up... it had the nicest patina I've seen on a butterscotch. :thumbup1:
I lathered up the Success and Vintage EverReady 100 last night, using the Ambrose defunk in MWF to prep them for future use. I used the old EverReady with MWF this morning. I think both of these can stay in service for a while at least. The old EverReady is a nostalgia brush for me....a later cousin of it my very first brush that I bought with my Dad long ago.
My shipment of knots arrived from Golden Nib Friday so I finished up this grand old EverReady Green/Cream 100.

I was going to use an 18mm Finest in this, but once I drilled the epoxy out to set my floor, I found that a 20mm knot just worked better for this old handle. So I set a 20mm two-band Finest Fan at 45mm.

Before use…




And a peek at the other knot that I worked on this weekend....a RubberSet203.

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