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It's official... I am a lightweight

I got the 1970 ball end Tech delivered yesterday that I ordered on the bay:


I loaded a fresh feather, lathered up some proraso, and went to town. Very smooth, easy shave. Definitely BBS territory. It is a super light razor. I loaded it with a Feather and it was like butter. Very close contender to my 23c.

So, out of 6 razors I have tried (see sig for which ones if interested), I have gotten the best shaves from the lightest razors with the sharpest of my blades.

So yeah, I am a lightweight DE razor shaver. :tongue_sm
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A 71' ball end tech and a feather used to be one of my favorite rigs. Now I prefer heavier razors, but I need to check it out again.
Oh then you must try an english aluminum handled tech.

I have one somewhere, made the razor seem too light so I swapped the handle for a heavier one, Ok its a Frankenrazor but it's a better shave now then with the original handle

YMMV etc etc
If I come across one for a decent price, I will definitely pick one up.

If you want to PM me your name & address I'll post you my "spare", its just sitting on a shelf in the bathroom. Might take a few days for me to get round to it because I'm going on 24/7 call for the next week but if you want it its yours
That is a very generous offer Biffo. Thank you. However, I would definitely want to pay the post on it, but since I am in the US the cost to buy one outright here might be the same as shipping one out to try. Let me see what I can find online and maybe you could see what the post would be. Then we could see what would be the more cost effective approach. I will PM you with my mailing zip code. You should be able to tell the post cost from that. Thanks again.
Its not going to be expensive, its very lightweight (doh! :redface:) and should go in a small bubble envelope, Zip Code doesn't matter to us if its Merca its Merca. Will wait for your details and try and get it off to you as soon as possible
When you do get the aluminum tech... let us know how it compares to that 23c.

The 23c is the only DE that would ever pull me away from the straights. Only for a day, and only if in a hurry, but you can screw around with it a LOT and it won't leave you with any damage.
"You could always try a Gem Featherweight as an alternative.", he added, in a wheedling voice, waggling his eyebrows and flipping the lapel of his suit to show the underside, where a Gemocrat button twinkled in the light.
I've been having similar thoughts lately. Previously my go to razor was a Fatboy, but my grandfathers aluminum Tech seems to have taken it's place.

Now I have a fat handle Tech in the mail, we'll see if it's the lack of weight or the Tech head that works so great...
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