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It's a sad day. I lost my fatty.

Took my 1960 Fatboy with me on a trip at the beginning of the week and accidentally left it at the hotel. I called and asked them to look for it, even sent them pictures, as the desk manager didn't understand why I was so concerned about a razor (he thought I was talking about a disposable). No luck. It's gone.

So when you shave today, tip a few drops of aftershave in the sink in honor of our lost brother.
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Sorry for your loss. :sad:
I am a little paranoid about forgetting things back in the hotel, but something like this would make me the most sad I think.
Thanks guys. This was a tough one to lose. It was the second DE razor I ever bought. Picked it up off the BST after I got into B&B and wet shaving due to finding my first razor, an early 1900's Ball End at an antique shop.

Sorry to hear of your loss, makes a good case for not traveling with any first stringers from the shaving line up.

Yea, that's why this loss stings so much. I normally take my beater 3-piece New Long Comb with me on trips cause it's highly portable and fits easily in my dopp kit. However, I had recently fallen back in love with the Fatboy after a long stint of having it out of the rotation and at the last minute decided to take it on the trip cause I was really looking forward to shaving with it and a fresh Feather blade on Monday. Guess I should have left it at home where it belonged.
Wow, I have done this with a few very important things and never had much luck. Sorry to hear about the Fatty. Here's to finding a replacement soon, or some new metal finds a home in your den.

For all interested, I propose a Seven shave salute! The next seven days of shaves dedicated to the memory of Bastimret's Fatty and all of the close super sweet shaves that will be missed.
I left my passport in San Diego once and didn't realise till I got to New York.
Wasn't too stressed.
Losing a Fatboy stings mate.
Sorry to read this.
I can already see the noob thread:

Subject: "Can anyone help me identify this razor"

I found it at a hotel.

Ahhhh that sucks - sorry my friend.

I hope you can replace it soon - ultimately, it is but a thing. It would still smart to lose something like that though.
Really sorry for your lost but it could be a good thing! Maybe the "finder" take up real shaving or give it to friend...just saying! :)
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