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Item of the Week 7/29 - Mystic Waters/Mike's Natural/QCS


Needs milk and a bidet!
Hello to all.

This will be the twenty-third in a series of "item of the week" threads that I am promoting in the general shave discussion forum.
The rules:

  1. It is very simple. Use the item of the week for the week that it is scheduled and post your thoughts on that item in its thread.
  2. Everything else in your shave line-up may be rotated at will, but keep the featured item of the week as part of each shave.
  3. The weeks will start on Monday and end on Saturday. Sunday could be a free day, or an overlap day for the next week or whatever.

The twenty-third featured item of the week will be Mystic Waters/Mike's Natural/QCS
Looking forward to this, already cheated with Mystic Waters this week! Better dig out my QCS from the drawer also!

Soap: Mikes Peppermint and Rosemary :thumbup1:
Razor: F4 Toggle
Blade: Gillette Blue Blade (NOS)
AS: Captains Lime

Great Great Great!!

The soap is a dream. Easy to lather and very slick and protective. I am really liking it, and the scent is a great blend of the Peppermint and Rosemary. Neither overpowers the other, and while you can definitely smell it, it is not too strong.

I cant believe how great this blade shaved. Now I have to be on the lookout for more old discontinued stuff :scared: It was really sharp and smooth. Dialed to 7 on the first pass, 5 for the second and 3 for the ATG. did a little buffing on 1. BBS was effortless today :thumbsup:
This will be an easy one for me since my entire software lineup is QCS Iced Key Lime, Celestial Woods, & Queen Charlotte. Other than that, I only have a couple samples of Mike's (which I'll work in this week) and DRHarris. The fact that I only use QCS should speak to how I feel about it....it's top notch! IMO, it's the best mix of performance, scent, & moisturizing properties.

Today's shave:
QCS Iced Key Lime
QCS Vostok asb

I am also currently using the QCS peppermint shampoo bar. I do not use their soaps because it's more $$$ than I'm willing to regularly spend on bath soap.
I'm in! I need to grab another Mystic Waters but have QCS and Mike's

Today QCS Avocado Cream via the HandleBarBarber Supply. Fantastic with EJ89L Gillette 7O'Clock Black, Captain's Choice Lime & Semogue 830!

Love this stuff need to review on here but great performance and scent!
Technically, I stated yesterday with a QCS Iced Key Lime., but I'll officially start one day early today with a Mystic Water Coconut Lime Verbena.
Started early as I have more time to shave on the weekends.
MW Bay rum- fantastic scent and a very slick shave today with the Merkur Progress and 7OC Blacks.
This is gonna be a great week! I have lots of Mikes and a few QCS samples left!

starting tomorrow, though, because I didn't shave today.
I'm in. This week's going to be a piece of cake. Just continuing to use the QCS Iced Key Lime that I've been 3017ing. It's really nice stuff. Lathers great with my Semogue 2011 LE Boar Size 2 brush I've been favoring lately.
Schick C2, Personna 74 (4), Mystic Water Coconut Lime Verbena, TGN finest.

A great way to start the week. I wish this soap had a bit more lime, a bit less verbena, but it still smells great. . Still in love with Mystic Waters soaps. Scents are great, lather is creamy and glidey, post shave feel still awesome.
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