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The 2023: 1-Blade, 1-Week, Daily Shaving Adventure

Greetings! As we welcome the new year, I would like to propose a new (to me at least), a challenge and adventure.

As the title indicates, this will be a thread where those who choose to participate will attempt to shave for 1-full week, 7-daily shaves, using one and hopefully only one DE razor blade.

I realize, that for obvious reasons, this won't work for everyone. Some here are the "One and Done" crowd.

Some know that they find it necessary to change their blades after 4-5 shaves. Others are of the Excalibur mindset...

How many shaves is a DE razor blade good for you? I would like to see a full seven days of daily shaving out of one DE blade.

The Why is simple. Thinking it would make DE shaving more convenient to change out your blade on a once a week schedule.

I have set aside 26-DE blades for my adventure. Though I plan on adding some new blades along the way. Blade selection will be random.

Changing razors, soaps, brushes, anything goes, just one blade each week!

My initial plans are to use a DE89 or 34c for the 1st shave. And to use the R41 head at least twice (or more) during the week. May throw in a couple of cartridges and disposables, for comparison. I may also repeat a blade more than once, using a new blade. I might acquire some other razors throughout the year or other shaving accessories.

Anyone can participate! Go 1-week only or the full 52-week full monte. Use only one make or 52-different types of blades. Throw in a SE or other blade here and there for comparison.

Start on either Sunday or Monday of every week. Start on Saturday if you must.

Post the blade you are using for the week. Post any other relevant information on the first day or along the way.

What if the blade is not going to give me a good or comfortable shave before the week is over?

No problem, you gave it your best shot! No need to shave beyond the practical life of the blade. Post how many days you made it through. Finish the remaining few days with any other blade you happen to have lying around. Start a new week on the same day of each week, using a new blade.

Post your ending results weekly.

The object is to get 7-days worth of shaving out of a single blade and to change your blade once each week. If you wish to continue using you blade longer than for 1-week, that's perfectly fine also, just please don't post any more than 1-week in this thread.

This way, we might find out how many blades can get a full weeks worth of shaves, typically from average shavers.

Comments and or questions will be welcome and addressed.

The thread kicks off on Sunday, January 1, 2023...
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I have finalized my initial list of DE blades for the first half of the year:

Astra Superior Platinum
Astra Superior Stainless
BIC Chrome Platinum
Derby Extra
Derby Premium
Dorco ST300
Dorco ST301
Dorco Prime Platinum
Feather New Hi-Stainless
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black
Gillette Nacet
Gillette Perma-Sharp
Gillette Platinum
Gillette Rubie
Gillette Silver Blue
King C. Gillette
Parker Premium Platinum
Personna Lab Blue
Shark Platinum
Silver Star
Super Max Diamond Edge
Super Max Super Stainless
Wilkinson Sword Germany
Wilkinson Sword India
Wizamet Super Iridium

Exactly 26-blades = 1/2 year.
Sounds like you have a great way to figure out all of those blades. Good plan!

I basically do this thread every week, myself. It would get boring for others to read about, though, because I use Astra SP blades the majority of the time. I swap out on Sundays and usually get about 9-10 shaves per blade during the week. I only shave WTG and sometimes do a touch up WTG pass in the evening. Only occasionally change out the razor to something different (I use a Rockwell 6c and change out the baseplate to whatever I need for that day).

Keep us informed on here how it goes. Hopefully a few others will chime in, too.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I have mentioned before on other threads, but one thing that annoys me about modern DE blades is that most of them don't just go dull, they get nasty! I have a microscope and a macro lens as well because I am a bit nerdy, but I have been told this is a bit too much, just toss it. Even with modern blades, one counter point to the budget above all else crowd is how a blade behaves as it declines, I will gladly pay extra not to have my face shredded unexpectedly by a blade that suddenly goes bad.

It's interesting that you are doing exactly what I have been up to for the last couple months, I had found a vintage blade that was a perfect match for my razor and beard combination and kept adding shaves as the blade wouldn't die! It never got harsh, but the seventh shave was dulling noticeably. This is because I use one edge at a time so if I have any doubt, I can switch edges and the dull one stands right out. I won't be pushing these blades to seven in the future, but I like the insurance of sorts of having one available shave left unused.
And, what you are saying brings me to this.

My original DE shaving days were many years ago. Grew beard mostly from the early 80's until these last few years when I switched from a Mach III to DE once again. As you say, in the old days, a blade just went dull and then you changed it.

Never paid any attention. Bought whatever razor and blades that happened to be in the drug store. All worked perfectly well. Never noticed any difference. Only used TTO open razors, was not aware of the three piece designs.

As memory serves me, I would get a week and a half to two weeks out if a DE blade, before it went dull.

Returning to DE shaving, my past memories were still with me, regarding blade performance. Also the cartridge blades I had been using lasted a few weeks.

I found that after several days, modern blades would not shave cleanly, so I would be applying more pressure to get the job done. But I would also get hit with razor burn. Not right away, but several hours later, not fun. After shave (Aqua Velva), aggravated it considerably. Cut out the aftershave.

This did perplex me because years ago, I might cut up my face a bit but I have no memory of razor burn..

in reading the different forums and DE razor reviews, I was astonished that shavers were changing their blades ever few days. Most seemed to fall into that 4-6 day window.

I had found a vintage blade that was a perfect match for my razor and beard combination and kept adding shaves as the blade wouldn't die! It never got harsh, but the seventh shave was dulling noticeably. This is because I use one edge at a time

Your observations on vintage blades line up exactly with mine. Since you were using only one side of the blade, if we figure in both sides, that amounts to 12-14 shaves.

I was unaware that modern blades had changed so much?

I will gladly pay extra not to have my face shredded unexpectedly by a blade that suddenly goes bad.

Me too! Face shredding and razor burn.

one thing that annoys me about modern DE blades is that most of them don't just go dull, they get nasty!

Yes, they do. I was coming to this same observation but I couldn't figure out why?

Then, I happened across the study that MIT conducted a few years back. Found out that microscopic cracks in the crystalline structure of the stainless steel, developed into crack and deterioration along the edge of the blade.

Found out that shaving a hair that was bent over accelerated this damage.

The market for DE blades today is primarily in less economically developed countries. I doubt sincerely that users of DE blades in these countries are changing their blades after only four shaves. This would figure to only two shaves per-edge of a DE blade.

So, figuring a minimum of three shaves per-edge, that would yield six shaves. I don't have a heavy, hard to shave beard. I am a Caucasian male in my late 60's. On a scale of 1-10, with "1" being the lightest, "10" would be the heaviest. I would arbitrarily place myself a "4.5" to a "5".

Factoring in daily shaving with less pressure, being easier on the blade, cleaning and drying the blade after each shave and all the other factors now constant. My goal is to shave daily and change my blade once each week, on the same day.

Is this workable? I guess we'll find that out. I did conduct a preliminary study the preceeding six months with a random rotation of blades for up to eight shaves.

To compare, I might use a blade with two shaves on it and the next day, use a blade with higher shaves, like 6-7. That way I would be comparing an older blade with a newer one.

Most made the full 8-days. Some fell short and were pulled. At day #8, some were done and others were still sufficiently sharp.

Now, I will no longer be counting shaves (unless the blade did not make the full week). I will be able to direct my attention to different razors and other shaving products.
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I swap out on Sundays and usually get about 9-10 shaves per blade during the week. I only shave WTG and sometimes do a touch up WTG pass in the evening.

That is perfectly workable also. Not maxing out the blade during your primary shave and doing what amounts to an occasional evening touch-up is the functional equivalent of a full daily shave.

Doing that evening shave is not really challenging the blade and fits in perfectly with a weekly blade change.

It would get boring for others to read about, though, because I use Astra SP blades the majority of the time. I swap out on Sundays

Not really. The purpose if this thread is not to conduct a detailed forensic shaving analysis. There are other threads for that that focus on specific blades and shaving details.

Let's keep this thread posts simple and direct to the subject, which is a 7-day blade longetivity.

The objective is for future forum readers to read and see that you get a regular weekly use out of your Astra blade.

Please pop in at least on occasion to post any weekly shave comments and observations, they will be appreciated.
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That is perfectly workable also. Not maxing out the blade during your primary shave and doing what amounts to an occasional evening touch-up is the functional equivalent of a full daily shave.

Doing that evening shave is not really challenging the blade and fits in perfectly with a weekly blade change.

Not really. The purpose if this thread is not to conduct a detailed forensic shaving analysis. There are other threads for that that focus on specific blades and shaving details.

Let's keep this thread posts simple and direct to the subject, which is a 7-day blade longetivity.

The objective is for future forum readers to read and see that you get a regular weekly use out of your Astra blade.

Please pop in at least on occasion to post any weekly shave comments and observations, they will be appreciated.
I'll be glad to. I may even use a new (non-Astra) blade tomorrow just to have something new to post. ;) I just finished this week's blade and wound up with 10 shaves total because of ridiculous work hours where I didn't know if I was coming or going. It still has life in it, but I'm content keeping things in order and always swapping out on Sundays with this blade.
I just finished this week's blade and wound up with 10 shaves total because of ridiculous work hours where I didn't know if I was coming or going. It still has life in it, but I'm content keeping things in order and always swapping out on Sundays with this blade.

That's what I plan on doing also. Listing the random blade I am starting with and the week number.

At the conclusion of the week I will indicate that the blade made it through the full 7-day week.

If the blade is done at that point, I plan on noting that. If the final day seven shave is still sharp and smooth, I will indicate that the blade is still good for more shaves.

If I pulled the blade early, I will note how many shaves/days I got from the blade.

Will keep to the core thread subject. Not a thread for a blade, razor or product reviews.

One or two posts each week will be all that is necessary. Even one post at the end of the week will be fine.

Such as: Week 7: Shaved with a GSB, went the full week, blade is still functional.

Anyone can pop in and make a quick comment.
Starting my week with a Statum blade. Pete Hendrix of HC&C threw in a tuck of these when I won a soap from him off of Facebook. 10 blades per tuck. The packaging looks more "industrial" in nature than geared to shaving. I've used one once before and my Shave Buddy app says I got 8 shaves out of it. Talking with Pete, he said he can normally get 10-14 shaves out of a blade.
Talking with Pete, he said he can normally get 10-14 shaves out of a blade.

And we're off and running...

If I was a handicapper, I would lay odds that you will be finishing the full week with your "industrial" Statum blades.

Look forward to seeing your comments at the finish-line!

Hint: If you include the week number in your post, i.e. Week 1, you and others will be able to search for a particular week and see what's happening or happened that week.


Have not previously heard of these blades. But I see that the are being sold for 9-cents per blade, which already makes them seem attractive.

One of the comments about these blades said:

"These blades are very smooth & sharp. I like them because they give me a great shave each time. YMMV as with all razor blades though."

Which is usually the case. So how long a blade might last should be a factor. A solid week's shaving for 9-cents works for me!
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Now I need to find some Statum blades!

I'm afraid I can't take on this challenge specifically because I don't shave every day - my rhythm is a slow, patient 3-pass shave once every two days. And I'm generally getting 5 to 6 shaves on a blade, though I could push it further with most of them, I just don't because I've got my own blade journey going on and I have to keep moving or it will take forever! I've done 7 a few times though with a blade I like so much I hate to leave it behind... The last one I can recall was a Polsilver Super Iridium, though the current Gillette 365 is looking like a good candidate, as it's quite marvelous! (I should note that I tend to change razors pretty much every shave)


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Gillette Platinum (New Swede)

I want to throw in some thoughts after four shaves with this blade, but the spoiler is that it's just another PPI blade, not a modern blade equal to vintage.

I did four shaves on one edge, so that tells me what 8 shaves would be like. I was expecting to only get halfway through and have to switch to the other edge, so 7 shaves total(3.5+3.5). This blade does have more shaves, even on this edge, but I am switching sides for right now because it's starting to get rough. This is the worst outcome for me, and the disappointment I was expecting, to have a blade remain sharp and get ragged instead of a steady dulling.

Shave one was wonderful out of the package, not the sharpest, but great for me. I could easily see doing one shave on each edge at the cost of these and plenty of people do. Shave two was the wild card, it was bad and I cant' be certain that it wasn't the condition of my face unfortunately. I will have to make sure I am in a good condition on the second edge when I get to the second shave or take a day off the blade. This very well could be the oft mentioned coating being shed and the very sharp edge being revealed. Shave three was nearly identical to the first, I want to say even better, but the outcome was equal. This is what makes me so uncertain, having a blade changing character. I am not prone to having my face being irritated, but it was on that second shave so I don't know yet.

This fourth shave was a bit of a puzzle as my face was in great condition and the blade was plenty sharp. There was no patchiness, missed hairs, nor tugging. But I thought I got cut good, there was a lot of blood on the razor, but all I could find is a pin ***** that wasn't still bleeding so I don't even know if that was it. The blade felt rougher, as mentioned, but not enough not to finish the shave or flip sides. I have a policy of not giving a blade another chance when this happens, but I have the other edge to use while I think about whether to continue on this edge some more.

One of the legends of the famous Swedes is the ability to get at least twice as many shaves as other high quality blades of the era, it's consistent across reviews. The hope for some was these would magically get close to this in spite of being manufactured from the same materials and processes as all the other PPI Gillette blades and some retailers are pricing them aspirationaly. In reality, they would need to be made on dedicated machines from special rolls of steel and the retail price would need to reflect this for us to have modern blades equal to vintage. As just another high quality blade, within the typical PPI profile, they are fine. I have used all of those blades and only the no longer made Polsilver SIs stand out, the rest being different when looked at with a microscope, but barely noticeable when shaving.
I have mentioned before on other threads, but one thing that annoys me about modern DE blades is that most of them don't just go dull, they get nasty! I have a microscope and a macro lens as well because I am a bit nerdy, but I have been told this is a bit too much, just toss it. Even with modern blades, one counter point to the budget above all else crowd is how a blade behaves as it declines, I will gladly pay extra not to have my face shredded unexpectedly by a blade that suddenly goes bad.

It's interesting that you are doing exactly what I have been up to for the last couple months, I had found a vintage blade that was a perfect match for my razor and beard combination and kept adding shaves as the blade wouldn't die! It never got harsh, but the seventh shave was dulling noticeably. This is because I use one edge at a time so if I have any doubt, I can switch edges and the dull one stands right out. I won't be pushing these blades to seven in the future, but I like the insurance of sorts of having one available shave left unused.
Yep- with the price of DE blades, $4-$5 a year to be done in three uses, or even 1 or 2 uses if the blade didn’t agree with me and not worry about slicing up my face removes any temptation to see just how long I can get any one blade to last. YMMV, but I agree that once they start getting dull it isn’t just a lesser shave for me- it’s a big risk of bloody nicks unless I want to stick with one pass WTG- and even then it gets rough.
I have finalized my initial list of DE blades for the first half of the year:

Astra Superior Platinum
Astra Superior Stainless
BIC Chrome Platinum
Derby Extra
Derby Premium
Dorco ST300
Dorco ST301
Dorco Prime Platinum
Feather New Hi-Stainless
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black
Gillette Nacet
Gillette Perma-Sharp
Gillette Platinum
Gillette Rubie
Gillette Silver Blue
King C. Gillette
Parker Premium Platinum
Personna Lab Blue
Shark Platinum
Silver Star
Super Max Diamond Edge
Super Max Super Stainless
Wilkinson Sword Germany
Wilkinson Sword India
Wizamet Super Iridium

Exactly 26-blades = 1/2 year.
Nice selection of blades here! I aim to get 7 shaves out of every blade I use. There are some I can get 10 or more but there are a lot that fall short of my 7 day goal. I am one that will keep using a blade as long as it continues to give good shaves but I am no where near those in the Excalibur Club. The most shaves I got from a single blade was 15 shaves from a Personna Lab.
Well, my week with the Statum blade could technically be called a fail. Not the blades fault, though. I wound up with some irritation and redness from a reaction to some soap and the cold weather that came back in and had to resort to the old electric shaver for a couple of days to keep the irritation from getting worse. I got 4 shaves out of the blade, though. Better than my luck with Feather blades at least. I'll still bin the blade tomorrow and start with something else if the face allows it. ;)
I don't shave every day - my rhythm is a slow, patient 3-pass shave once every two days. And I'm generally getting 5 to 6 shaves on a blade, though I could push it further with most of them

If you are getting 5-6 shaves per-blade and you shave every other day, you are easily getting the equivalent of a 1-Week daily shave out of your blades.

Shaving every other day, allows for more hair growth, which increases wear on the blade more than shaving daily.
I want to throw in some thoughts after four shaves with this blade, but the spoiler is that it's just another PPI blade, not a modern blade equal to vintage.

You can have blades that you use that consistently grant you so many shaves. Every once and a while, one will crap out on you. That is something that is just going to happen.

Let us know how your "week" ends...
Week 1 Ends: Blade is a Dorco ST300.


Blade finished the week with flying colors. Did the final shave today with the R41 and was perfectly smooth with no irritation.

Could get another shave or two perhaps? Some pulling in the mustache area, showing the blade is dulling.

Blade cost 6-cents, less than a penny a shave!
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I aim to get 7 shaves out of every blade I use. There are some I can get 10 or more but there are a lot that fall short of my 7 day goal.

Well, this is THE Seven Day Shaving Adventure, so to speak.

I invite you to join us, if you wish. Again. The objective is to effort seven days of shaving from a single blade.

The objective is to see which blades make it through entire seven days and which ones do fall short.

This places a specific and finite goal post for every blade to meet. Those who may be reading this thread down the road, will be able to see which blades met the objective and which blades did not.

Remember, you can let us know, in a summary, how the blade performed. Optionally, is the blade still up for additional shaves beyond the week? Or is it finished?

Please, limit your post to include only the initial 7-day period. See my above post.
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