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It will take .looooong time to finish my Grated Palmolive sticks

I m a big fan of Palmolive stick, performance and scent are among my faves...
Usually I grate 2 stick in an Ikea tub.
Out of curiosity I checked the amount of soap used for 30 three pass shaves...using Marco's method I loaded my Omega 48 boar brush for over 45 secs.
The result is quite surprising...8 grams for the 30 shaves.
It is much less than with the Speick or the Toja grated sticks...

How much water do you suppose that method leaves in the tub?

When I face-lather with a Palmolive stick, I use about half a gram per shave. The weight of the stick does not change overnight, so presumably it does not absorb significant water from my face. Other sticks do, though, and grating the soap probably changes its behavior.
How much water do you suppose that method leaves in the tub?

When I face-lather with a Palmolive stick, I use about half a gram per shave. The weight of the stick does not change overnight, so presumably it does not absorb significant water from my face. Other sticks do, though, and grating the soap probably changes its behavior.

After the 30 shaves I did let the tub open for 2 weeks to let it dry out in order to neutralize the water absorption factor :)

The Toja stick (50 grams ) made only 25 shaves using the same method but I have to say that at the end it was realy soft...

Can you guys put this in terms of how many shaves per stick?

Well it seems that Mblakele is having around 100 face-lathering shaves per stick and me 190 from the grated Palmolive stick
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Well it seems that Blakele is having around 100 face-lathering shaves per stick and me 190 from the grated Palmolive stick
It seems that Mblakele is not only faster to use up the stick but also to answer :)

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My grated Speick stick is very soft and gooey in the container now. It has most definitely soaked up some water during the brush loading process.
Now that it is 50% finished, I notice I have to load longer than I had to previously. I guess this is because the soap has soaked up water and is "diluted" now.

I get about 60-70 shaves from a Speick stick that has not been grated into a puck.
I m a big fan of Palmolive stick, performance and scent are among my faves...
Big fan here, too, for the same reasons.
I grate a couple sticks into an old Coates container, which lasted about 150 shaves and I don't skimp on the amount. Definitely the best bargain in the wetshaving world.
A trick I use to reduce the amount of water in the container is to let it sit upside down while I shave. No problems with wet soap.

I too want to grate a few of my 6 German palmolive sticks that I've been hording. I'll probably use an empty RR tub since they're the biggest and best IMO. Are you guys grating them down with a standard cheese grater? I bet I could use one of my sharp knives to make the process longer and thus more enjoyable.. right? JK
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