I keep seeing these things show up from time to time in the occasional razor lot or pile of misc stuff for sale and I don't know what it is. Can somebody end my pain? All I got is perhaps a stropper handle for wafer/single edge style blades?
It's for blade honing, I think. Looks very much like a 'Wizard' lookalike. The Wizard came two different ways, one with the head fastened lengthwise for stropping, and one on sideways like this.
I think the Wizard products were only for double edge blades. They made DE blade hones and stroppers which are similar in appearance to the one above, but were for a DE blade such as this one found on stropper.com:
The Wizard is what had me thinking that the one I posted may be a stropper of some sort - likely for SE, but I still haven't really come across them yet.