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Is this razor worth getting restored?

It's a Non-XXL, I've not bought it yet but would like to restore her and use her: See attached.

Scales appear in good condition and the blade loks decent and no knicks or chips.

Opinions welcomed.

Tom :wink2:
Hard to tell just by looking at, best way to tell is, How much rust is on it, and is the bevel "okay"?

If there's very little rust, and it's all surface stuff, then yes, it'd likely restore quite nicely

Thanks, I'm taking a small risk not being able to see it, but it appears as though the previous owner has finished and just put it back in the case, it doesn't look abused. The surface rust appears just that in the close ups. I certainly won't be going to more than £20 inc p&p for it, so it's no great risk, not considering it's other plus's ;-)

I was hoping for an answer liike your's, thanks :D

Well, I would attempt to restore it. But... I've got a few restos under my belt. ;)

Worth it to pay someone? Probably, its not that bad. I love old razors.
I won her, £14.55! It's also stamped as being issued to the Kings Royal Rifle Corps.

Any clue on a date of this one??? That would give me some campaigns to look at :D



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
+1, try restoring it yourself, seems to be all right!
I got it today from my parents house, spent half hour with my honing stone (I use it to sharpen my plane blades), twin stone marked India, I inherited it so have no idea on trhe grit.

Well after half hour, I actually got a very edge, stropped it on my belt (a solid piece of 40 year old leather). A took it to my arm, I now have no hair in a patch, the thing is rather sharp, still a bit to go, to get her shave ready, but I'll keep going.... :D After that, I'll give it a go and have a shave :D

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