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Is this anything to gripe about.

Okay so I have invested in a Belgian Coticule (new from a reputable vendor), and I am just concerned about how good an investment it is.

Basically the issue comes down to it's thickness, the thickness at the corners is 6mm, 5mm, 4.5mm and 3mm (this counts the beveled ends); now I know they say it's a hard wearing stone but I am concerned that if I ever needed to sell it, it would be shunned for being too thin.

Is this something I should hassle over and would I have problems reselling it?

Thanks for your advise
Was this a "Select" stone or "Standard" stone?

You should not have any issue with it because you are probably never going to wear that stone down. If I were buying a select stone then I'd probably hesitate depending on the price. If is a combination stone of any kind which are the expensive ones, all the ones I've seen are similar to un eveven layers of blue and yellow coticule side. You have to keep in mind that this is a natural stone.

Also, seeing you're from the UK you probably bought it directly from the mine so I wouldn't worry a bit, they are the ones to deal with.

My recommendation is to enjoy the stone and learn how to use it because they are amazing stones:001_smile.
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It was a selected bout stone yes, thanks for your response so your saying you would have no issue buying a coticule with that thickness at a standard rate.
I'm hoping that the lack of responses tells me this should not be a problem, and is nothing to complain about?
Never honed a razor in my life. But i do know these guys love pictures. Can you take some of your coti to show them?
3m seems a little thin to me chris. have you got any pictures. i no who you brought it from and he is pritty fair guy he would sort it out with you/.

if your going to use slurry in the future it could wear a little quiker than you think.
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here's some pictures, if people want to know the cost was £66 including delivery say £5 or $97
My coticule is only about 2.5mm thick on one corner. It was that way when I got it years ago, it I haven't noticed any change.

Sure it would be nice to have it thicker. But that's still thick enough to last for a very long time. If I were in the market, I wouldn't object to 3mm.

Much more important is how it cuts and finishes. If you like these characteristics, keep it!

That's a nice looking stone. I have one that's as thin as 2.5mm, but it's already been lapped and won't likely be lapped again for years, as I only have a few razors and mainly refresh them on my Japanese naturals. I wouldn't worry about it, but you could always contact the vendor and ask for a refund or exchange.
freedom i no where you purchased this hone from and he advatisers yellow coticules. I may be mistaken but it looks like you have dropped lucky and got your self a natural combo that will explain why your yellow side goes from thick to thinner. Is the under side dark purp,le. if you rub it with your slurry stone you should see purp,le slurry form?

it does look like a nice stone i would keep that for a bout it is nice and square, bouts can come in some odd shapes that shape is ideal for honing. if the other side is bbw you can also use that with milky slurry then switch to yellow with water for finishing and touch ups

just took another look and i'm sure it is natural coti/bbw
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thanks for the replies guys it's been most helpful.

Yes it does give off a dark purple slurry, so your saying I got lucky which is great. The edges on the bottom side need to be chamfered but the yellow layer is not bonded to the bottom unlike the rubbing stone which is defiantly bonded and it's bonded to a much darker material.
its a natural combo i thought so . that would of easily cost another 4o pounds plus if you was to of asked for a combo. two hones for the price of one. bargain
The veins containing the finest grit coticule are usually pretty thin.

It will last you a lifetime with normal use unless you are going to lap it very often. It looks like a large stone to me, those are pretty rare.

To gripe or not to gripe: depends on its size. 100 USD is not bad for a large select grade coticule.

Here's a price list: http://uk.ardennes-coticule.com/index.asp?ID=395&f1=Coticule+Selected&q=

Prices for natural combos are usually +30%
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