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Is there such a thing as a Shavemac 429??

I own what I believe to be a Shavemac 429 in Finest (the receipt says that anyway). In another thread I have explained how it had shedding issues and I sent it back to Bernd this morning. One interesting thing he said is that he had never heard of the '429' model (ie. it doesn't exist). I did an internet search and it turned up many hits on the 'Shavemac 429' and yet the maker himself has never heard of one. Interesting. I did notice a little sticker on the original box though that says '177'...are these two names for the same model? Are the 177s sold as 429s in the States? Not that it matters really...but it is kinda strange! :blink:
Just a guess: I looked up a picture of this "429" brush, and it would appear that it's a custom made brush using the same handle shape as the 177. These have a product number which starts with "429", but also have five more numbers after that to signify the color and hair quality of the brush.

Custom made, that is, on the Shavemac web site. They have a tool for designing your own brush.
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