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Is there much of a difference between the Merkur classic and the HD?

I own the classic and I really like it. Seems a lot of folks here are partial to the HD. It was going to be my original choice but at the time I got into wet shaving I couldn't seem to locate anyone who had it in stock so I went with the classic. Can anyone here shed any light as to the differences in them? From what I understand the HD is a bit heavier but is that the only difference? Are the heads basically the same?
The heads are the same. The classic is nickel plated whereas the HD is chrome. Otherwise, just a difference in weight and handle. The way the HD comes apart is different also.
I've had both. The HD is has a thicker, heavier handle, so the balance is different. As I recall, the classic is a three piece razor, and the HD is a two piece razor... I could be wrong though - it's been a while. That's pretty much the difference. I preferred the HD and used it for almost a year until I happened upon the Muhle R89 and I haven't look back since. If you're in the market for a new razor, definitely check out the R89.
When you say classic do you mean the 1904 Classic or do you mean the 33C?

All Merkurs except for the 1904 are chrome plated; the 1904 is nickel plated. The HD is heavier than the 1904 and the 33C. While the HD is a two piece, the 1904 and 33C are three piece. The HD is also slightly more aggressive than the 33C and 1904.
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