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Is there a broad scope of 2-band quality.

For those that have really thrown themselves into the 2-band frenzy, can you tell us if the quality of 2-band brushes varies from manufacturer to manufacturer? Or, are they all about the same?
Yo dudes! My SBAD is on high alert...I need some info. Too late. I just ordered a Thater 2-band. Another premature effusion to add to my record.
I do not think you will be disappointed! I have experience with Thater, Simpsons, and Semogue 2 band and Thater, being my first 2 band is still my favorite. I thought about selling everything else and just buying a few backups it's so good!
I'm happy enough with my Thater 2-band that I don't have an urge to try any others. It's excellent with hard soaps which is just what I hoped for when I ordered it.
TO answer the original question: there is a great amount of variety in 2 band brushes from one manufacturer to another. I love my Thater 4125/1, and I love my Rooney 2XL, but they are very, very different brushes.
I'll be eager to see your thoughts on it. I'm looking at Thater 2 band or Shavemac D01 but in 3-band. What had you narrowed your choices to and what swayed you to Thater, if you don't mind my asking? Thanks.
2 bands vary a lot like other hair grades ... Thäter seems to be the most consistent (very soft, yet resilient tips)... Lately Simpson 2 band has been much more soft and consistent... My understanding is they have consolidated hair sourcing to one supplier. Rooney has varied a bit over time (not as gel like anymore) ... Shavemac is much more scrubby...All the others play in a lower league... YMMV
As you go down in quality manufacturers, the variance in the same brushes is very noticeable. I ordered a New Forest 2Band Super that was great, in the crazy blue handle. I ordered another that was just as ordinary as any other entry level badger brush. You will need to pay up for your high expectations, and they're worth it.
I appreciate everyone's feedback. It confirms that I have made a very reasonable purchase selection. I purchased the 4125/2 I 26mm Two Band Finest Silver Tip Fan, loft approx. 49mm. This seems an excellent size for face lathering, which I do exclusively. In size it seems similar to the Chubby 2 so it will be an interesting comparison to my Chubby 2 in 2-band. It was about $173 including 2-3-day shipping at straightrazordesign.com.

As for why I chose the Thater 2-band, it is mainly b/c I had it narrowed down to either a Rooney Heritage Stubby line or the Thater. I already have a Rooney Super Badger, and frankly, I do not care for it; it is very soft but very very floppy IMHO. The reviews for Thater (as for the Rooney Stubby) are uniformly excellent; and it gave me an opportunity to expand my brush experience to another manufacturer (also there seem to be many more Thater reviews than Rooney Stubby reviews). However, my choice was somewhat of a coin flip and could easily have gone the other way. I also note that this is not my first 2-band brush; I have a Simpsons Duke 3 and Chubby 2, and TGN XH-Finest, all 2-banders. They are so nice that I cannot see the point of using any other badger hair type. The combination of softness and backbone is remarkable. The reviews on Shavemac 2-bands seem to indicate that it is scritchier than the others, which is not suited to my taste although they are very likely excellent brushes. But I have Simpsons best badger for the scritch I believe my romance with scritchiness is abating.

Thanks again!
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