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Is Self Rick-Rolling a form of self abuse?

Whatever happened to the good clean fun of the Rick-Roll?

Well...my wife has just suffered enough withdrawal from the phenomena that she RICK-ROLLED HERSELF :eek: ?!/@!

I guess it's less destructive than cutting, bulemia or gambling, and it's certainly less grody than dipping...but still...***?

:ohmy: I'm very sorry for the loss of your wive's sanity. Please find a good home for her, maybe padded rooms with silvertip :lol:
It's weird you mention this, because the other day I was sitting around in the house and the song randomly came into my head. I was humming it all day. Sure enough, after reading your post and beginning this response... well, it's playing in the background on Youtube...
I paid 99 cents to the nice people at Apple to purchase Never Gonna Give You Up non-ironically about a year before the whole RickRolling meme started. A girl I was with was trying to think of the name of it last night ... and boom ... like, like an apparition appearing on a piece of toasted bread, I was able to play her the song on the phone. Rick looks actually much better today than he did in the 80s, takes the whole RickRolliing trend in stride and with a good sense of humor ... I'm "pro-Rick."
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The Rickroll has gone out of fashion at the moment, but it will eventually return as an ironic reference to how unhip the meme currently is. Give it a year or two.
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