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Is My Salter Cream Ruined?

I pulled out my tub of Salter's Indian Sadalwood today, after a long layoff from creams in general. I opened it up to find that it looked nothing like it did when I put it away last. The consistancy when new was like a fluffy almost whipped looking cream, but really firm. Today, it looked like some of the ingredients have seperated. There was some oil on the top, and the texture was more jello-y if that makes any sense. I stirred the oil looking stuff back into the cream best I could, but the texture still was a bit weird. If the ingredients have seperated in my cream, is it still usable? The scent is still the same, which is awesome, but with the looks of it, I declined to use it today. I'd hate to find that it lost any of it's good shaving properties. Anyone ever have anything like that happen with any creams?
Though I have never used this cream, I think you should be fine. Try throwing it into the fridge for a while to see if any of the ingredients begin to emulsify again, then go ahead and try it to see if you still get good performance from it.

Someone with more experience with this cream, and creams in general, will probably be around shortly.
I live in a hot humid climate and at times the creams tend to separate. I stir them more than once, meaning stir then come back to them and stir again. From experience, if they smell ok, I'll try them and if they shave ok, they're fine.

If you're still concerned, ship it to me and I'll dispose of it for you.
I have had the same thing happen several times with a tube of Tabac shaving cream ... if it sits for several weeks, there is a rich, dark oil that seperates from the rest of the mixture.

I can't "stir it up" in the tube, but I just squeeze out the normal almond sized drop into the lather bowl, with the oil visible, add the brush charged with Tabac soap and water, and whip up a fine SuperLather. It works just fine.
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