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Is it ok to use a little plastic food thing for a scuttle?

You know those plastic containers they sell in supermarkets for storing food in the fridge? I have one that's the perfect size for a puck of shaving soap, so that's what I've been using since I first started DE shaving a few months ago. I like it because it's a very convenient size and it fits in my hand perfectly. It also has a lid.

Since I particularly enjoy the scent and consistency of my shaving soap (Ye Olde Barber Shop from HoneyBee), I was wondering weather the plastic material might have any effect on this. I know that some types of plastic have a scent of their own, but I don't think this does.

Is there any reason to spend more money and buy a "real" one?

One more question--this thing has a lid, and all the real scuttles I've seen don't. So is it OK to use the lid?
I use Zip Loc containers for VDH soaps and I don't think it affects the scent at all... considering that these containers are meant for food and that we're pretty sensitive to taste, I don't think it should be an issue. Although, I'm not sure how you'd turn it into a scuttle.
You are good my friend! Soap will be just fine in the little plastic container! Good idea and no you dont need another one unless you just want one that looks better.
You should be fine.
Over the long run, the plastic might pick up some of the scent, but you could always buy another one to use for a different scented shaving soap.
I use a 8oz and a 16oz. the first to make lather, the second to soak the brush. I then refill with hot water and put the 8oz in to keep it warm while shaving.
I have some soaps I store in parchment paper. I am sure the purists may say you should keep it sealed to retain the smell. When I travel I just use a baggie or better yet a little bit of a dry cleaning bag. I try to be thrifty so as to afford brushes and more soaps.
Let's define what a scuttle is. It is a mug with a jacket around the outside that holds hot water so that the lather stays warm. Or it can be the old type, where the puck sits on a shelf above the hot water.
I use a little rubermaid dish with lid for my travel puck. Works great. For home use I just prefer bowls that look nice. Purely asthetics and nothing more.
I started with a ziploc food container. It worked just fine. Only changed it cause the girlfriend abhorred it aesthetically.
Scuttle or soap container/dish? I do not think there is any problem with this container... they are designed to not react with food. There was a reason to let a soap air dry and not store it wet for long periods of time... but I forgot it. All I have to say is that ceramic has always proven to be better to me when it comes to lathering.
Its unlikely the plastic will have any effect on the soap.

You may find however that the plastic doesn't insulate as well as ceramic and other dinnerware-quality bowl materials, if you're the type who keeps lather in the vessel between passes. To overcome this, you might try placing the smaller plastic bowl with the soap in a larger bowl of hot water while you're shaving.
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