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Is an alcohol-free aftershave necessary?

I noticed Mantic59 often stresses using a alcohol-free aftershave. So is it just that it dries your skin a bit? If I use a lotion afterwords it should replace any lost moisture right?
Depnds on your skin type IMHO

I have dry skin so I prefer alcohol-free

But my father has oily skin, so he can get away with most splashes
I also have dry skin and prefer to stay away from too much alcohol. Lately, just straight witch hazel has done me well. I follow that up with some moisturizer.
The real downside with alcohol-free aftershave is that your choices become alot more limited regarding scent. Personally, I use alcohol-based aftershaves all the time. In my experience FWIW, provided that you use a good quality moisturizing shaving soap (E.g. Cella, Valobra etc) or cream, there should be not too many problems regarding skin drying from the alcohol. You can also cut the alcohol aftershave with a little water if needed and this aids moisturizing especially if the aftershave already contains glycerin.
The real downside with alcohol-free aftershave is that your choices become alot more limited regarding scent. Personally, I use alcohol-based aftershaves all the time. In my experience FWIW, provided that you use a good quality moisturizing shaving soap (E.g. Cella, Valobra etc) or cream, there should be not too many problems regarding skin drying from the alcohol. You can also cut the alcohol aftershave with a little water if needed and this aids moisturizing especially if the aftershave already contains glycerin.

Great points. I can honestly say my skin has never looked or felt better since I dropped the canned goo and started using good shave soaps and a/s with alcohol. I love the burn :thumbup1:
I think my skin is medium-oily. I don't have an overly oily face or a dry face. I have been pleased with witch hazel but I normally follow that with an aftershave like aqua velva or pinaud clubman bay rum. In the past I've used gillette aftershave lotion, and the nivea balm (which was really good).

So it all comes down to what your skin type is like. Got it, thanks guys!
I use an alcohol free AS so I do not have to have any pain and suffering after I shave - particularly on my neck! To me, my Thayers Rose Petal WH soothes my skin and feels great.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I'm an alcohol AS kind of guy, and I cannot imagine my shaves without it.
Some folks do prefer the alcohol free or balms, but to me they just feel like it's face treatment and that the shave isn't "done" yet.
Your face is unique. Try a sample of alcohol and non-alcohol type and see what you think about it.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
It depends on your skin type. If you have dry skin to start with, I would think that you might want to use alcohol free AS. It will dry the skin a bit.

I stayed away from those for years as I was always told they were bad and seeing that Kid in Home Alone... I tried one, then two and then I do not have a single balm anymore. I don't think I would go back, I love my non-alcohol-free AS.

The best way to know, try one.
Alcohol only for me after finding this site. It's the only way to go now.

That must be an early (few years back) reference from Mantic because his website sells almost entirely alcohol aftershaves.
I always use an AS with alcohol together with some kind of balm/cream by mixing them in my hand before applying.
I find I get the best of both worlds this way, YMMV of course (we all have different skin etc.).
... I tried one, then two and then I do not have a single balm anymore. I don't think I would go back, I love my non-alcohol-free AS.

The best way to know, try one.

+1 I only keep 1 balm in the den and only use it if I have had a really rough shave. Thankfully that only happens about once a month or so now and usually only because I got too lazy in touching up my straight razor.
Nothing wrong at all with alcohol splashes. They can be good for any skin type. For example, I've got oily skin so I love that after scraping off some of the dead skin with my razor, I can toss on some aftershave and have it feeling fresh and clean.

Balms however, feel like I have something sticky coating my face and I use barely any at all. That and everyone's favourite entry level balm, nivea, irritates my skin.

Basically it's the same as we say about everything else here: Your Mileage May Vary. So try some splashes and balms until you find the few that you like and work for your skin.
I have always used good 'ol Brut alcohol and all because i like the way it feels and my wife likes the way it smells - - lately i've been following the Brut up with a cooling balm because i like the extended tingling sensation! :w00t:
I have oily skin and I actually think an alcohol based aftershave helps me out. I definitely don't apply copious amounts of the stuff and I wouldn't recommend it for someone with dry skin either.
I heard that alcohol based aftershaves were originally used when it was common for people to share a razor. While probably true and no longer necessary, I still have this as part of my post-shave routine. After applying Alum then Witch Hazel, I love the "jolt" of applying the AS. I presently use Penaud AS, but since my every day cologne is Acqua di Gio, once the AS dries I do one last cold water rinse prior to using a balm so I don't have too many smells at once.
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I didn't have a problem with alcohol based aftershaves until last winter when i noticed my face started getting really irritated. Then i realized it wasn't the aftershave, it was my dumb self walking out into the South Carolina Upstate freezing weather right after shaving. It shouldn't bother too many people, unless your skin is really sensitive. If your having a problem, do this. Mix in a bowl 2 part witch hazel with one part Cornhuskers Lotion. Add any scent you want, i just put a little rose oil in there. now you have the best aftershave lotion you wont have to pay for. Only use a little cause the cornhuskers lotion can put a film on your face, like the benadryl itch relief gel.
If you like witch hazel, alum blocks, balms, milks, etc., by all means use them. For me, aftershave splashes are the way to go. To be honest, I've never been that concerned with what's best for my skin. It's been holding up pretty well for half a century and shaving doesn't seem to make much of a dent in it. I just like the bracing feel and the great smell of a good aftershave.
Alcohol has been a hot topic around here lately!

Alcohol has useful properties as has been discussed before. There is a reason that manufacturers use alcohol (ethanol).

One of those reasons is that it makes the product shelf stable so it does not have to be refrigerated.

So, if you take the alcohol out of a product, some other chemical or process has to go in to make it shelf stable so the product does not get contaminated at room temperature.

I use alcohol based splashes, but I also use some products without alcohol. I change it up when I feel it's necessary.
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