With a smaller razor, it is not as easy to judge the shaving angle, simply because it is a smaller blade
smaller blades are easier to roll on both strops and hones, again, just because they are narrower
Thanks for the "heads up".
Is that a good/bad thing?
It's bad. But I don't think it's going to make that much difference. Don't worry about it and shave.
rather than rinsing under running water and risking dinging the blade on the faucet
I highly recommend a wet sponge, a tip I got from Chimensch's video.
4/8 is a bit small for me but I think if you want to start somewhere, it's not so bad. Just make sure that someone hone it properly!
It arrived yesterdaylooks like a great razor!
I'm sending it to Steve at The Invisible Edge for a hone and polish...that will give me a good benchmark to aim for when I start practice honing on the couple of cheap 6/8's I've also bought (yes, SRAD is already kicking in).