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Irisch Moos and Hattric special announcement!

I am getting an order together from a new supplier on the German products I stock and in light of the fact that sales have been off this month I am taking pre-orders on the IM aftershave and colognes as I don't want to order too much and have it take up space on the shelves for an extended period. I am also taking pre-orders on the Hattric since I do not stock it as a matter of course. In the future I will only offer Hattric as a paid in advance item. I will keep limited amounts of the IM on hand but the option to prepay on it will be available when I am out of stock and I'm between orders with this supplier. Prepaid items will ship when my next order from this supplier arrives. Hattric and Irisch Moos are the only items I offer that will be available for preorder in the future.

The prices below do not include shipping. Shipping will be a flat $5.00 Fed Ex in the US. If you are resident outside of the US please contact me for USPS shipping costs.

I will accept pre-orders on these items until next Friday. I will invoice all those that respond--prompt payment is appreciated. I will place my order the following Monday. Email me at [email protected] with your PayPal address if interested. The shipments typically take between 14-21 days to get here.

IM 100ml AS $40.00

IM 50ml EDT $45.00

IM 100ml Pre-Shave $40.00

Hattric AS 200ml $30.00

Hattric Pre-shave 100ml $20.00
Hey Mark,

Having difficulty finding details on Hattric in english. Would you happen to be able to direct me where to find out more about the product?


What is it you wish to know about it? I can't think of anyplace on the net to direct you with information in English.
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