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Interesting Trac ii travel set found in the wild

To start, I don't have pics. Sorry. I could try to go back and take some tomorrow.

While looking around a thrift shop on my lunch break today I found an interesting Gillette Trac ii travel set. Inside a gold colored metal case is Trac ii head with a male threaded post on the bottom, a toothbrush head with a male threaded post on the bottom, and a fancy ball tip metal handle that has an almost floral like engraving on it that has female threaded to accept either the Trac ii head or the toothbrush head. It also had a Trac ii cart in it and a mirror built into the "lid" with very fancy engraving on the bottom of the case that says "Richard". While the case had a gold color the razor head, the handle, and the threads of the toothbrush head we're all brass colored. The toothbrush appeared to be Bakelite with (I assume) nylon bristles.

I took it all apart and looked at every bit... The entire set appears completely 100% unused. Besides a few minor scratches on the exterior it could pass for new.

I looked around B&B, Mr Razor, and a few other sites including eBay... I can't find anything. The case nor any of it's contents had any sort of branding, date, coding... Nothing.

It was only $8, it has to be worth something! Even if it's a knockoff of a Trac ii I'm sure a Trac ii user would love to have this in their collection.

Anyone familiar with what I am talking about?


Check Out Chick
Staff member
For $8 I would but it. What is $8 these days. You might be able to use it for a trade/swap down the track.
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