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Injectors and their blades

I'm gonna try out these injectors soon http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=117182
I have a question for you injector experts. I tried to search which blades are recommended and which are not and found nothing using a google search with badgerandblade.com in the search. So, what do you guys recommend in terms of injector blades?
View attachment 74611

Thanks for the help guys. I'm quite confused as is demonstrated by this smilie :confused1
And there's no real resource for these like there is for DE's
The "Schick" branded blades seem to get the most love. I've used blades from CVS without any serious problems as well as EMS sources (probably Personna) blades. The Schick seem to have better (more accurate) injector housings.

- Chris
The Schick Platinums would be NOS (new old stock) which from what I read on the board seems to be of higher quality than the currently produced blades.
I'm afraid I don't.

There's a theory that says that the Ted Pella injectors are the same as the EMS injectors, which, in turn, are the same as the CVS brand injectors. The housings all seem to be the same.

- Chris
The Schick Platinums would be NOS (new old stock) which from what I read on the board seems to be of higher quality than the currently produced blades.

By the platinums, do you mean the ones in the yellow pack or the ones in the red pack in that last picture?
I have seen the EMS blades on ebay here

The ones I like the best are the chinese made Schick branded blades. The CVS ones are not as smooth from my experience. I have found them at a grocery store called Market Street. They are also available at drugstore.com for 4.99 per 7 blades.
Funny that we shave with blades from laboratory suppliers. I'll have to try them out though
Funny that we shave with blades from laboratory suppliers. I'll have to try them out though

There's a reason. The manufacturers of the equipment designed it to use existing blade formats (Gem blades, injector blades) to ensure general availability and avoid high tooling costs. At this point, there are probably as many injector blades produced for laboratory use as for shaving.
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