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Injector at last!

Tried my first injector tonight and all I can say is HOLY ****!!!!!!!! What a sweet razor to use. Picked up some Shick blades this afternoon before coming home in anticipation of most likely drawing first blood. But after a lathering up of a sample of Mama Bear's Awakenings soap (which is awesome BTW :thumbup1:) I did a two pass run that left me as smooth and non-irritated as I've ever gotten from anything else. I just treated it like a 1912, light pressure and just enough angle to cut. I should be able to do a three pass with it and get a really DFS, but I usually stop at two on the first run of a new razor because I don't like to tempt fate. I was even able to go ATG on my lower neck which is highly unusual.

I can see a new "injection" of RAD flaring up in my near future!!!!!!!
Injectors are great! i was using one with Schick blades for quite a while...oh and don't get ted pella blades btw as they are inferior imo. Right now im trying out a new razor for a while(Muhle R41) but i think i will be returning to the injector...one thing that i have found strange is how many passes you can make over the same area without getting much irritation...although i do sometimes miss the sharpness of DE blades, while the schicks are great you can notice a large difference between them and say Gillette 7 o clocks or feathers in terms of how sharp they are, plus i don't seem to get as many shaves per blade as others seem to. These are small annoyances though and shouldn't sway anyone from trying one. I would say someone moving from cartridges would do very well with injectors, just as easy to use imo compared to DE.
Hey Guys...we're having an Injector party over on the thread: Schick type E
A ton of pics and a lot of info...Dougs one of our regulars...come on over and join in the fun...
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