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Initial impression of the Merkur 1904 (as compared to the 34C HD)

Just opened the box and have the razor in my hands. My initial thoughts are as follows:

*Seems lighter in the hand compared to the 34c HD.
*And seems more top heavy than the HD as well.
*Handle is very nice and solid and very easy to grip on to due to engraved pattern.
*Head is identical to the HD.
*Blade removal and installation requires that you rotate the head off the solid handle which is radically different from the bottom knob on the HD.
*Overall very solid and well constructed razor (3 pieces: Guard, Bar, Handle) all pieces mesh very nicely and threading is very smooth. The finish on my razor appears to be flawless.

Note: I would be very careful as to not torque the head too tightly to the handle of the razor when swapping blades. The threaded screw piece over time could develop "twist" and become detached.

In sum....I like this razor and it just feels better in my hand than the 34C HD. Due the lighter weight I can already tell that it will be easier to shave with this razor than the 34c. I believe that the weight of the handle on the 34c forced me to pitch the razor too steep and caused me to miss the "sweet" spot angle to get optimal shaves.

I will report back on the performance of the razor after I shave with it tonight.
Royall Lyme,

Your impression of the 1904 is dead-on to mine when I first received one. You should get really great shaves from it. I don't use mine as much as I used to because I am really into vintage Gillettes, but it does get used every once in a while. When I do use it, I have to remind myself to use it more often.

The 1904 is a superb razor. I received mine a couple of weeks ago and love it. I find it gives me a better shave than my Vintage Gillette SS's. I hope I'm not spouting heresy.:w00t:
Well its an extreme relief to know that others feel that the 1904 is on par with the SS. My SS has been very kind to my face. The 34c on the other hand....not so kind.
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