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info on rare aluminum British gillette #66 razor


i posted a couple of months ago to get info on my British gillette Aristocrat #66 coronation set, i got great info but i was asked how much it weighs to determine if its the aluminum one. It weighs 37 grams. With this new info does anyone know how much i can sell it for, its never been used case is mint but no original box(the cardboard box), i need money for school soany help would be appreciated
The B&B Wiki page on the #66 gives a weight of 82g. But it also has pictures of two U.S. Aristocrats along with one of the #66. So I don't know how reliable it is.

I have a #66 at home and can weigh it tonight, if no one chimes in with the proper weight before then. I know it's too heavy to be aluminum.
The B&B Wiki page on the #66 gives a weight of 82g. But it also has pictures of two U.S. Aristocrats along with one of the #66. So I don't know how reliable it is.

I have a #66 at home and can weigh it tonight, if no one chimes in with the proper weight before then. I know it's too heavy to be aluminum.

I think his is the rarer aluminum version though.
I think his is the rarer aluminum version though.

Right. Which is why knowing the weight of one or the other will tell him by comparison.

My #66 comes in at 76g on the uncalibrated scale I have. It's zeroed, but I don't know how accurate it is.

So, if the OPs razor is less than that, it's aluminum.

Unless mine is aluminum. Hmmm.
the aluminum Rocket HD is reportedly 35 or 36 grams - unlikely that an aluminum #66 would be much more.

My #66 weighs in at approx. 85g. [on my cheapo kitchen spring scale.]
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I don't have a scale but it's easy to tell the difference between an aluminum 66 and a non aluminum 66.

At least it's easy when I hold both of mine side by side.

Actually if memory serves me correctly the aluminum 66 is 44g.
My aluminum #66 is 37g. I´ve give 170 EUR for him :frown:

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