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Inexpensive Handmade soap or shampoo?

I recently found out how much I like handmade shaving soaps. This got me thinking, why am I using horrible AXE body wash, and equally horrible head and shoulders junk? I hate the way the smell, I hate the way they feel, but every time I try something from the grocery store it isn't any better.

That said, anyone know of any good handmade soaps or shampoos? Preferably that are relatively inexpensive (I'm a poor college kid after all). I know good stuff is a fair bit more expensive then grocery store stuff, but I also know a lot of it can be really pricey.

I've been meaning to try prairie-creations regular soap, since I like the shave soap. I tried a bar from gentlemans quarter, and it's really nice, but after shipping is just way to expensive to justify. I went to a local "natural" produce/vitamins/shower stuff place and all they seemed to have was vegan stuff, or mass marketed stuff for people who care about the enviornment...but not neccisarily quality. I wonder if whole foods would have a better selection...

Anyways, any suggestions?
If you have a Whole Foods nearby, they carry a good selection of artisan soaps and shampoos. However, if you're looking for cheap products, it'll be tough finding an artisan that can match the price of the mass market soaps because of the differences of scale.
Get some Marijuana/Hemp shampoo and conditioner and soap. Good stuff. I use one from Australia called marijuana moisture. I reckon there would be something similar in the states. My hair has never looked better. I think the SLS in shampoo might have something to do with bad hair/scalp from my previous shampoo's. Jason Naturals Jajoba is another great shampoo/conditioner.
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