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Incomplete ABC Empire Set For $19.00 - Worth It?

My local antique dealer has set aside for me an incomplete ABC Pocket Edition Empire set for the price of $19.00 USD on consignment.

It is in silver plate. I know this without a doubt. The exterior of the case, handle and top cap is uniformly tarnished a deep, grey-black, which tells me that the plating must be intact. No cracks at all on the handle.

Unfortunately, the blade safe(?) is missing as is the guard. However, the set does come with an undated U.S.A. manufactured chromed Gillette Tech head in pristine condition. I am in possession of a Frankenrazor which consists of an Old Type head with a Tech fat handle. So, I believe that if I really wanted to, I can have the Old Type guard silver plated eventually and use the undated Tech head in combination with the aluminum fat handle.

So, what do you think? Should I go for it?

Warmest Regards,

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If I'm reading correctly, what you are getting that is original is the handle and the case? I'd pay $19 for that. I'd find a correct silver plated cap and blade guard to put with it, so it would be a correct, if not orignal set. (You'd need to pick up a blade case also- I've probably bought 10 or more of them on eBay in the last 3 months, they're there fairly regularly).

Actually, if the case is in good condition in and out, it's worth that on it's own (wouldn't go with a Tech cap or base myself, I'd look for a proper Old Type head- they're out there, maybe find one with a cracked ball end handle!).
If I'm reading correctly, what you are getting that is original is the handle and the case? I'd pay $19 for that. I'd find a correct silver plated cap and blade guard to put with it, so it would be a correct, if not orignal set. (You'd need to pick up a blade case also- I've probably bought 10 or more of them on eBay in the last 3 months, they're there fairly regularly).

Actually, if the case is in good condition in and out, it's worth that on it's own (wouldn't go with a Tech cap or base myself, I'd look for a proper Old Type head- they're out there, maybe find one with a cracked ball end handle!).

T Rick:

What I would be getting is the original handle, case with at least a fair, purple, velvet lining (a few crushed spots - maybe brush out eventually?) and cap. Handle, case and cap are all silver plated.

Again, what is missing is the bottom guard and the blade case. Gee, but if someone could offer me a correct silver plated blade case at a decent price......

Also, already have an Old Type head that came with a Tech fat handle. So, what I will do is use the Old Type blade guard with the Empire Set and utilize the fat handle that came with my Frankenrazor with the pristine, undated Tech head.

Warmest Regards, T Rick.

You have been kind enough to enlighten me on more than one topic regarding vintage safety razors. The last time, pertaining to "Lather Catchers".

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I would pay 20 for what you describe without even thinking about it. It sounds like all the set is missing is the bottom portion of the head and the blade case. I'm sure you can find a blade case to complete the set and it sounds like you already have an extra bottom portion of the head that you could use. Even if you didn't already have a piece to complete the head, I would go for it. I would go for it.
I bought it!

Will post photographs as soon as I am able. I still use 35mm film: Can you believe it? Yeah, I know, when it comes to cameras I am still a technological Neanderthal. Still..... it is hard to give up my film cameras and move on. Until I can borrow a decent digital camera, all I have is my crummy cell phone camera.

I would then have to figure out how to post photographs to this forum. I suppose I could take 35mm photos, have them developed and purchase a photo CD, then upload them.

Which brings to mind another question...
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