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Inactive razors and blades - remove blade?

I now have a collection of razors to choose from, with only 2 or 3 being used on a regular basis. Is there any harm in keeping the blade in a razor not being actively used, or should such a blade be removed. Assuming the blade is stainless steel, no corrosion damage should occur, but I'm not certain regarding this. If such a blade is removed and set aside, how long is its shelf-life if it has been used once or twice?

Considering the cost of blades, unless I was going to use it again within a week, I'd toss the blade.

Then again, you could certainly store the blade in the razor for however long you want and see how it fares in the future. You'll know right away if the blade is still good or not, and then you can report back to us how it went. It would be interesting to see if you noticed any decrease in performance.
I will swap a blade from one razor and put it into the next in if the mood hits. If it has been a couple days and I have not gone back to that razor I will take the blade out and deposit into my bank.
I used to switch razors only when I was ready to change blades. Now that I've given most of my razors away in starter sets, I just don't switch razors much anymore.

The exception is that I have a house in the country with a full shave setup. I get there every couple of weeks, but sometimes not for a month at a time. I have usually been leaving the blade in the razor while I'm away. It doesn't seem to make much difference.
My personal experience is that as long as it is rinced and dried (no soap residue), it does not matter. That being said like one of the first replies indicated.. with the little cost of blades, if I wont use that razor for a week or more, I'll toss it.
I remember picking out my MerkurHD one time and it had a Derby blade in it from use one time over 3 months prior. It shaved as good or better than ever! I do clean and dry my razor and blade after every shave however.
I was just leaving all my razors with blades in them, never had any problems. I switched it up a few days ago because I barely use half my razors. So now just the razors I have in rotation have blades in them.

Never had any problems though with leaving them in the razor though.
I changed out a Polsilver this AM (after 3 shaves in less than 5 days) and it had substantial rust marks on it. I certainly didn't expect that. Some of the rust colour had transferred to the underside of the razor top cap - a quick brush out with some rubbing alcohol and all seems good but will check it.
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