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In box vs razor only

Curious what y'all's opinion is on this, have a clean 62 slim adjustable and just panic bid on a pretty nice (from the pictures) 61 aristocrat adjustable. But keep thinking should I of bought one with the box/waited? Or should I wait for an empty box/ beat razor in a box to come around? Or simply brush it off as a tool and be thankful it’s in good shape? Looking on eBay in box vintage razors can be big bucks, feels like I left the daily user section and went to a collector side.
I buy razors to use, not necessarily to "collect." Therefore, the box is unimportant to me. I do have a several vintage in-box razors, and I tend to keep the nice boxes for modern razors in case I ever decide to sell something.
A lot of the old lined boxes are vomit inducing. Plastic cases tend to crack and become brittle with time.

If you see razors as a tool, get the razor.

If you see it as an investment, wait, pray and pay.
The box adds value, should you sell the razor, and makes a nice display, if you do so. It changes the shaving experience not at all.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
It depends on the box for me. If it’s a nice, small box in very good condition and practical to use, then I’m all for having it. Some of those old Gillette metal razor boxes are really small and neat. If it’s not nice or clean then I would rather not have it - it’s the worst kind of clutter because it should go in the bin but I would feel bad about tossing it due to some misguided sense of historic value.
If it's a high-end razor I expect some sort of packaging, especially if the razor is in the $100+ price range. Otherwise, I don't care.

For vintage, I only expect a box if I'm buying near mint condition gear, but then I want the box to be in the same condition as the razor as an item for my collection. But I'm not much of a collector, and I've been thinking about unloading the really nice vintage razors I have anyway.

I don't want a box that's in rough shape at all, to me that's just garbage that no one has tossed yet.
It’s just a value item. Sometimes it’s nice for the aesthetics when it’s on display but at that point it’s possible to get damaged.

The downside from wanting the box is when you turn into me and hunt for sealed blade versions with instructions that are deals (they exist, but it takes patience). Then you discover the little ways the boxes/cases can break that aren’t obvious that detract from them.
@mzepess , all depends on whether you want this to shave with or as a collectable. The box is not that relevant for the former and, as noted above, will add value and context for the latter.
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