What do you project your lather cost you this year? I started the year with the remnants of a gifted puck of a Classic Shaving soap. Then I moved on to leftovers of Old Spice, Van der Hagen, Williams, vintage Williams, MWF, and GFT Coconut (gift). May to September was spent with a new puck of Cade. And I am finishing the year with a puck of Arlington. I'm figuring that adds up to about $30 of product, including the occasional shave with a cream or stick when out of town. Next year should be about the same.
The cost of my lather is greater than when I would use 3 or 4 $1 cans of Barbasol for the year, but my blade cost has dropped to $6 a year. Let's leave the hardware out of this, though!
The cost of my lather is greater than when I would use 3 or 4 $1 cans of Barbasol for the year, but my blade cost has dropped to $6 a year. Let's leave the hardware out of this, though!