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If its good enough for Bond!

A short but interesting article. Some folks probably noticed in the latest Bond movie - SkyFall, that Bond uses a straight razor. It seems Bond's love for wet shaving goes further; safety and straight razors featured in several films now and seem to have been a feature in the books (which I haven't read unfortunately).


If its good enough for double-0 7, on Her Majesty's secret service then its good enough for me :wink2:
The article linked to by Reevers is incomplete! Roger Moore shaves with a slim in Live and Let die [ well, tries to, then he finds a snake in the bathroom and kills it with his aftershave can and a lighter!!]
Then there is this :thumbdown

In the new bond book, Carte Blanche (I highly recommend it) he uses a double edge razor - "Not only because it gives a closer shave, but because it requires a certain degree of skill to use"
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