I received a gift certificate to Straight Razor Designs, and view this as the perfect opportunity/excuse to acquire my first straight razor. It doesn't hurt that they are offering free lifetime honing if I buy before December 31. I have never had a straight razor shave, so I want to buy a razor that will give me the best opportunity to see if I enjoy this aspect of our wonderful hobby without breaking the bank. While I fully embrace the old adage that "it is a poor craftsman who blames his tools," I also believe that a quality job requires a quality tool. I will also need to buy a strop, of course, but in this thread I'm primarily interested in your suggestions on acquiring the "best bang for the buck" razor available at SRD. I'm going to insert a poll, and list a few razors I was considering, based on the little I know about suggested "first straights." Please feel free to offer other suggestions not listed, as well.
Thank you for your suggestions!
Thank you for your suggestions!
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