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I tried a horse and I didn't like it

$photo.jpgI have given my new vie-long horse hair brush several try's now with all my soaps and creams and the truth is I don't like it. I read several rave reviews, I love the idea no animals are harmed etc.
it arrived and I hated it, it looked cheap and the smell was so bad my dog actually woke up and came in sniffing from the kitchen, a horse could have fertilised my carpet and left a more pleasant smell. I dutifully washed and used it, and kept at it and although the stomach heaving smell mellowed to simply revolting it still did not impress me, scratchy, way worse than my 1305 boar ( which I love ) admittedly though, it did the business whipping up a lather. Just thought I'd share my thoughts.:a24:
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Which one is it?

I have the inexpensive Peleon. The handle has a cheap feel, and the knot is probably less dense than on a "better" brush, but I like it a lot with creams. It stunk for only 3 uses with proraso, so that was never an issue.
No worries man, that's why we have choices. As much as I like my badger brushes I still find myself reaching for my boars more often than not. Thanks for sharing.
I was given a Vie-Long horsey (Cachorro - 04312 - Professional) three weeks ago for my birthday. I must admit, although I have read much about them here; I would have probably never bought a horsey. Yes it smelled like horse and seemed too floppy for my taste... at first. I used it exclusively for a whole week and I love my horsey. After about three days, it smelled like shaving soap. After using it for a few days, I don't mind it's floppiness, considering how well it lathers up and applies the lather. It is definitely a no shedder.

I love my horsey.
That's why we have badgers and boars. We all can't like the same thing.

It always amuses me though when people complain about the horsey smell. That's my favorite part and I wish it hadn't gone away. Reminds me of my childhood.
Try a BGS2012...I would be very surprised if you didn't like that one - the BGS2012 has a 25mm knot and 55mm loft which makes a world of difference - it's also a 50/50 mix of mane and tail.
I'm not a fan of Horse either, the smell goes away but the prickly face feel never left my brush. It got better over use but it was still a little prickly on my face. I have the Vie Long 13070 Olive wood brush which is half mane and half tail hairs.
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That's why we have badgers and boars. We all can't like the same thing.

It always amuses me though when people complain about the horsey smell. That's my favorite part and I wish it hadn't gone away. Reminds me of my childhood.

Horses AND tobacco? Lots of interesting smells. You can't have those smells without the lingering smell of diesel fuel!
Horses AND tobacco? Lots of interesting smells. You can't have those smells without the lingering smell of diesel fuel!

Good grief. You just summoned up another memory. We used to wash our hands out in the field from the gasoline in our gas tank.

All those farm smells are probably why I like Oud. All the aroma and none of the work.
View attachment 260886I have given my new vie-long horse hair brush several try's now with all my soaps and creams and the truth is I don't like it. I read several rave reviews, I love the idea no animals are harmed etc.
it arrived and I hated it, it looked cheap and the smell was so bad my dog actually woke up and came in sniffing from the kitchen, a horse could have fertilised my carpet and left a more pleasant smell. I dutifully washed and used it, and kept at it and although the stomach heaving smell mellowed to simply revolting it still did not impress me, scratchy, way worse than my 1305 boar ( which I love ) admittedly though, it did the business whipping up a lather. Just thought I'd share my thoughts.:a24:

I've got one soaking in Oxi Clean right now hoping that the smell improves. If I can get that solved I'll see how I liked the brush. I've used it a couple of times and I couldn't get past the stench.
I had a 13061 for a while, and the density was to average and the loft to high for me. Plus the combination of soft and pin prickles at the tips was just distracting.

Try a BGS2012...I would be very surprised if you didn't like that one - the BGS2012 has a 25mm knot and 55mm loft which makes a world of difference - it's also a 50/50 mix of mane and tail.

How is the density on that brush? I'v had my eye on it, but I'm still hesitant. I want to like a horse enough to add to my rotation, I'm just not holding my breath for it. If someone made custom horse hair knots on the other hand.
I just got a Vie-Long horse off the BST and love it. The way the hair splays when pressed against the face is unlike my boar, badger, or synthetic brushes; to be more specific, all of the hairs seem to stay in contact with my face probably due to thicker hair and stronger backbone. The smell was off putting at first, I agree, much worse than any badger or boar brush I've had (which, admittedly, isn't very many). I used TOBS Sandalwood to de-funk it; that's some stinky soap and it only took a couple of test lathers before the smell was gone.
I am presently using Vie Long with similar horse hair as your brush (not dyed) and i can not smell anything abnormal and enjoy the feeling of the knot on my beard.
Mine stank beyond everything. I had it in mild shampoo for days, refreshing 2 times a day. Diluted vinegar for 2 days.
Then water with some dishwasher liquid for a few days.
The lathering up and let it sit a whole day, for a few days. And I could still smell it!
They becomes softer after a while, the hairs need to split first I guess.
Horse hair is thick so they can be prickly. It's best to lather in your hand a few times a day, or daily, and not shave with it yet.
Horse hair brushes have good water retention, are quite soft after a while, have good backbone and perform well with soaps and creams.
They are also excellent face latherers, but can handle bowl and hand lathering well.
They are very allround. It can be that a allround brush is not what you're looking for.
Maybe use another brush for now, try to get rid of the smell and soften it up by hand lathering, and then come back to it.
Because then you will now for sure, 100%, whether pure horse is something for you or not.
If you don't know for sure it will itch if you are on B&B on a regular basis. I read it all the time, people keep coming back on things.
If it's still not for you after the break-in period and loosing the smell you can sell it pretty quick I guess.
Good looking brush too. I have a cherry wood custom loft pure undyed horse and prefer it heavily over my silvertip.
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