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I Stand Corrected

My first experience with shaving soap was with VDH from Wally World. After I finished, I had some crazy irritation and itching. I blamed the soap. After a week or so, I tried again with the same results. Again, I blamed the VDH. Well, I now know that it wasn't the soap. I used a LaToja stick and had a great shave until I used my aftershave. That's when the irritation and itching started. So, on my next attempt with the stick, I used my AOS balm with no irritation. This left me curious. So, last night I went back to the VDH and used my AOS balm again with no problems. It seems that I have become allergic to my aftershave that I'd been using for a little over a year. I didn't think that could happen. What do ya know, VDH isn't so bad after all. Now I have to find some more aftershaves so I don't use up my AOS so fast. :laugh:
You can acquire 'learned allergies'. Basically if you use the same thing more or less constantly for a long period, you may suddenly become allergic to it. If you then stay away from the product for a while, you will probably be able to resume using it.
You can acquire 'learned allergies'. Basically if you use the same thing more or less constantly for a long period, you may suddenly become allergic to it. If you then stay away from the product for a while, you will probably be able to resume using it.

Thank you for sharing that. I did not know that. This happened to me with Crabtree & Evelyn's Nomad shaving. Too bad I sold it before reading this :frown:
I've been under the impression that if you're too aggressive with your technique, and make your skin too raw, your body will start to reject certain ingredients that it is being exposed to.

You might want to try an alum block or an alcohol-based after shave like Aqua Velva. If either of them sting you too much, you need to evaluate your routine.

Of course, allergies can pop up out of nowhere too...


I didn't become allergic to the drug penicillin until I was 17. I has been prescribed it as a child, never once having a problem. Then I took it when I was 17 and got hives all over my body (luckily not in my lungs). Goes to show you that your body can sometimes tolerate things for a while.

I have no idea the medical significance of this, but it is a true story.
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