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I kon Deluxe Open Comb

I have been considering taking the plunge on this razor. If you have used it, what say you?

More or less aggressive than Fatip?

More or less aggressive that Gillette Short Comb or Long Comb?

Any first-hand experience would be appreciated.

Thanks for your attention.
Yes, it is my favorite. To paraphrase Txfirefighter10, the idea of mild but effective is perfect. Of the few OCs I have tried, it reminds me of the New LC. It's a great razor, IMHO.
Less aggressive than New Open Comb Long.
But I had a strange experience with it - the shave itself felt extremely mild, but after the shave my face would burn.
Have one and love it. I find the shave to be very similar to my British Gillette New.

My take as well. The 2013 iKon OC Deluxe is a fantastic shaver, joining the 2010 iKon OC Deluxe LE and English Gillette NEW as my favorites. I find the latest iKon to be just a bit more aggressive than the NEW.
Great razor, toss up between this and my Futur for favorite DE. Today, the edge might go to the Futur, but who knows about tomorrow! :biggrin1:
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