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I knew disposables were bad but...

This last weekend I took a small trip with my SO, and we stayed at a hotel. I had packed my brush, some cream, and my razor. However, late night at the hotel, when I was about to shower, I realized that my razor with without a blade, and I did not pack any, nor were any stores that sold them still open. The only other razor available was a Gillette somethingorother (it had 3 blades and a lubrication strip), so I shaved with that.
It felt strange and very unpleasant. I didn’t cut myself, but I had this constant burning sensation throughout my face that was rather distressing.
The shaving went as normal, though I needed an extra pass to get acceptably smooth. After I was finished, my face was acceptable, but noticeably less smooth that it normally is. Also, that lubricating strip left my face feeling slimy and sticky. Whatever that stuff is on that lubricating strip, it’s really gross.

After getting in to wet shaving, I developed the idea that cartridge/disposable shaving was only marginally worse, but really not all that bad. I was wrong.
I know what you mean. Once in a while, I happen to use one or the other of those disposable ones, and it just is not the same and definitely not as enjoyable. Let's not even talk about the result compared to a DE or a Straight..
If I'm flying somewhere I never take my good razors. Too easy to have hassles at the airport, etc.

I use the Bic Sensitive Disposables for travel and have excellent results with them. I know this is a huge YMMV topic but for me they work great and get thru airpost security every time. Most times I take a travel brush and some soap, sometimes a travel can of Barbasol.

The Bics don't have the lube strip-its closer to a traditional razor than any of the others...give it a try...


Marty E.
the blades in those diposables are so awful. i tried a few of those bic metals. basically a single edge razor. it was really dull. i think the next time i travel and can't a double edge i might try one of the disposable mach 3s.
the blades in those diposables are so awful. i tried a few of those bic metals. basically a single edge razor. it was really dull. i think the next time i travel and can't a double edge i might try one of the disposable mach 3s.

Ugh. I remember the first time I tried those Bic Metals. The Nolan Ryan ads for them were going. I didn't have any sort of technique, but Ryan was going on about how great they were, and they were cheap! Yeah...
The first drag across my face--you know in the movies, when a jet makes a high-speed bombing pass over the bad guys, and a sequence of rapid explosions follows? Well, it was like that with the Bic Metal, except instead of explosions it was spots of blood welling up. I wanted to beat up Nolan Ryan after that.
the blades in those diposables are so awful. i tried a few of those bic metals. basically a single edge razor. it was really dull. i think the next time i travel and can't a double edge i might try one of the disposable mach 3s.

Back in my cartridge days, the only disposable I found to be worth anything were the Sensor 3, and Mach 3 disposables. Everything else just felt really dull.
Do you guys really have trouble travelling with your double edge blades? I've passed European borders about 6 times with a full pack of them (and 1 in the razor) in my check-in baggage. I guess its got something to do with my clean shaven face that makes me look non-threatening :lol: .

Are we talking about US borders here?
For me, it's just more convenient all around to use a cartridge when travelling - not only for TSA purposes, but also for a quick and easy shave under sometimes less than ideal conditions.
You know in the movies, when a jet makes a high-speed bombing pass over the bad guys, and a sequence of rapid explosions follows? Well, it was like that with the Bic Metal, except instead of explosions it was spots of blood welling up. I wanted to beat up Nolan Ryan after that.

This belongs in the "User Quotes" thread. Absolutely priceless! I tip my proverbial hat to you, Sir.
My first ten years of shaving were mostly done with disposables and I must say that they are not all equally bad. But as soon as there are more than 2 blades involved I do seem to need more passes and red skin or worse are inevitable. Some well known brands perform less than a 6 cent Indian cheapo and all in all my best disposable (I still have a few in my drawer for when I run out of DE blades as if that would ever happen :devil:) isn't even close to a mediocre DE shave.
I have the Merkur travel razor which breaks down into 3 pieces and fits into a very small leather pouch. This works great and I pack it into my dopp kit and pack it with my checked luggage. They only cost about $29.00, and its a good excuse to add another razor. When its fit into the leather pouch its only about 2 inches long, very easy to pack, and you can fir an extra blade or 2 or 3. :thumbup:
I used the Bic sensitive disposable tonight...ouch. Hacked my face pretty good and it's not like I used a tons of pressure either. I wouldn't have known I nicked myself if it wasn't for looking in the mirror.
Sensors are really not a terrible cartidge, but I had horrible clogging problems with them and always used a cartridge waaaay past when I should have thrown it out. At some point I "upgraded" to a Quattro, and that was terrible. My chin was full of ingrowns.:thumbdown Can't speak as to the SE Bic disposables as I can't remember ever using one.
I actually find the sensor to be pretty good for me. I was able to find some aftermarket cartridges once and they worked quite well. I really can't stand the single blade disposables. They feel like they are doing nothing, until the irritation starts.
As an experiment I bought a packet of supermarket brand single blade disposables and shaved using my cheapy, plastic Wilkinsonsword brush and palmolive cream. Same number of passes and prep as I usually would have. I have a dark, heavy, thick stubble so I was genuinely surprised how smooth I got without any cuts or irritation. Holding a light 20 pence piece of plastic is nowhere as pleasant or reassuring as a solid metal DE, but nonetheless it worked so I know I have a way to get decent shaves without having to check in a bag or carry stuff that I'd mind too much if it got lost. I would not however expect to use one of these disposables more than once.
Ugh. I remember the first time I tried those Bic Metals. The Nolan Ryan ads for them were going. I didn't have any sort of technique, but Ryan was going on about how great they were, and they were cheap! Yeah...
The first drag across my face--you know in the movies, when a jet makes a high-speed bombing pass over the bad guys, and a sequence of rapid explosions follows? Well, it was like that with the Bic Metal, except instead of explosions it was spots of blood welling up. I wanted to beat up Nolan Ryan after that.

You aren't Robin Ventura, by any chance? :wink:
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