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I just won a 1912...

Darn good price IMO!

Just occurred to me after looking at those pics that most of these I've seen are made in USA but the one I have is Made in england, was GEM an English or US company?


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
From memory they are US. They were made in the UK, though. They were also made with the Ever-Ready label.
She's a beauty alright, and you got it for a fair price. I just used mine this morning with a fresh Treet SE blade - a blade I've been dying to try for quite some time now. What a wonderful combination! :thumbup:

Out of my GEMs, my 1912 is my favorite - enjoy your win!
Awesome, thanks guys... I have GEM PTFE coated blades from the last group buy and will be using those with it.
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