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I just tried C.O. Bigelow for the first time

WOW I tried C.O. Bigelow cream last night for the first time.... OMG this stuff is awesome. I put a little in a small bowl and added a few drops of water and used a wimpy old badger brush and whipped up a good lather in short order and then lathered my face and shaved with my 46-47 Aristocrat with an Astra blade that already has about half a dozen shaves on it....

I did my first WTG pass then lathered up again (I only needed to add a few more drops of water to the lather that was already in my bowl to whip up enough for a second thick lather.) I applied this lather and did my ATG pass and was greeted with a BBS shave :thumbup:

My face has never felt soo good after a shave. It was smooth and soft and no stubble left at all. And that was using an old blade.

I can't even imaging the shave I would get with a new blade and the Bigelow cream. :w00t: :thumbup:

Now I just need to buy some more Astra super plat blades :lol:
Yeah, it's that good. But then it is made by Proraso! I always get a great shave when I use it.
I've been wanting to give that cream a try since I heard that Bed Bath and Beyond sells it at select locations. Now I want to try it even more. Been a puck user so far.
It's one of my favorite smelling creams or soaps. I had some Prairie Creations soap I bought on clearance, loved the soap, didn't care for the fragrance, (beggars can't be choosers when buying clearance items). So tonight I cheese grated the soap, mixed it with a decent amount of Bigelow and pressed it into a bowl. If it works as good as it smells I'll be in for quite a treat in the morning.
I've been wanting to give that cream a try since I heard that Bed Bath and Beyond sells it at select locations. Now I want to try it even more. Been a puck user so far.

its Bath and Bodyworks that carries the Bigelow cream not the Bed, Bath and Beyond stores. if you go online to the Bath and Bodyworks site you can create an account with them and order online from them :thumbup1:

Great stuff indeed! Get some Proraso splash or balm and you can finish that shave off proper.

I use Afta aftershave and it works soo well and it also has a great scent to it. I may consider adding the Proraso balm later but for now this combination works really good for me :thumbup:

If you like C.O. Bigelow then you'll like Proraso and Omega shave cream.

Basically the same cream.

Yeah I think it is the same stuff but I would still like to try it just the same :thumbup1:

all in all this was one of those :w00t: :w00t: experiences
OMG this stuff is awesome.

That was my reaction as well, after several DECADES of using Williams or VDH pucks in a cup. The creams (in a tub or a tube) are such a better experience that my puck & mug has been sitting unused for almost two months!
That was my reaction as well, after several DECADES of using Williams or VDH pucks in a cup. The creams (in a tub or a tube) are such a better experience that my puck & mug has been sitting unused for almost two months!

While I understand people preferring cremes to soaps and vise-versa (I'm neutral...try it all), I would discount soaps based on the perform of Williams or VDH compared to soaps.

IMO creams are more convenient but soaps are still great too. I would recommend trying a soap that isn't Williams before you judge the entire group:biggrin1:
While I understand people preferring cremes to soaps and vise-versa (I'm neutral...try it all), I would discount soaps based on the perform of Williams or VDH compared to soaps.

IMO creams are more convenient but soaps are still great too. I would recommend trying a soap that isn't Williams before you judge the entire group:biggrin1:

I think what we are saying here is that if we do try a puck of soap it will be a good soap like MWF or something like it. I know I will :thumbup: I really want to try Proraso and MWF soaps.

All I was saying is that a good quality product most likely will give a good quality shave :biggrin1: and in my case it really did.
I use Afta aftershave and it works soo well and it also has a great scent to it. I may consider adding the Proraso balm later but for now this combination works really good for me

Where do you find that stuff? I used to use Afta back in the day, I wanted to try it again but haven't been able to find it.
Yeah its great stuff, if I could only use 1 cream it would be Proraso & only 1 soap it would be Mitchells Wool Fat
The cream works real well, I have no complaints about it but I have not used it in at least a month cause I have been liking the soap a lot more. I mean Palmolive stick, MWF, and Cella. But when I do get an inkling to use cream the bigelow is where it's at.
If you think it feels good now, just wait until the dog days of Summer ... the menthol blast kicks in and its the perfect way to deal with hot, humid weather.
Not surprised to hear about the longevity of your Astra SP blades. I love them! I consistently throw the blade out at 1 week, even though I have gotten great 8th and 9th shaves from them. The last 2 have developed one dull edge toward the end of the week.
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