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I found the motherload of Aloe Vera in my yard!

Aloe Vera has been the BEST thing that has ever happened to my face. I have been paying a lot of money for "pure" aloe which had many chemical stabilizers and chemicals. I really paid no attention to this area of my yard where many cactus and succulents have grown. While mowing the lawn, it occured to me that this was Aloe! and this has been here so long the whole section has been taken over by the plant! There are even more inside! I feel like I struck a gold mine! Does anyone else use Aloe on the face? It softens, smooths out, and even helps recover acne scars (which I don't really have) on the face. Extraction is easy, I highly suggest you go to a botanist and buy an aloe plant.

$Aloe Vera.jpg
My mother always kept a plant in the home. We would take pieces to cover bad cuts or burns or sunburn. Never knew people ingested the plant. Interesting that animals get tumors from consuming it then again I don't think I would ever consume it. I just use it to heal burns and cuts.
yea unfortunately the plant just got almost all removed :(... But there is a better strain(?) of the plant I'll be buying soon, this whole section of my yard just got cemented and the workers threw the plant away...
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