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I Coloniali Mango Soap PIF

I have a puck (not including bowl) of I Coloniali Mango I have used a bit but find it doesn't agree with my skin anymore. Still about 90% left

Therefore it's available as a PIF.

The rules are: Free to all. I ask you to either PIF something else on the forum or drop some change into the charity tub at the checkout when you do your shopping.

UK residents free postage. Rest of the world pays postage costs.

The winner will be chosen at random from the posts below this one. Put in the post which is your favourite charity and why. Closing date - Saturday

BTW my charity is the RNLI (lifeboats)
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People should be falling over each other to try this soap. The lather is slick and incredibly moisturizing. The scent can be a bit polarizing, but it is certainly unlike the scent of any other shaving soap.

This is a very generous PIF, as I Coloniali is an expensive soap.

(Don't count me in, as I already have the stuff.)
I would but still well supplied with mine. great soap shocked its still here. someone please you will be happy with this soap.
Oh! I guess i qualify now? Im in!
- Susan G Komen for the Cure. Because breasts are too wonderful not to save.
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Interfaith Council here in Chapel Hill NC...they do great work for the local homeless shelters in our county and they accept donations from heathens like me.

I am in, PayPal for postage to US not an issue. If I win, i will split this with some people at work whom I have dragged into this shaving craziness with me.
I'm in, I've been really curious about this soap.

My favorite charity (and the one I actively donate to) is the American Red Cross. It might seem generic and not very original, but I've seen the profound, far-reaching impact of their work, from community service and first-aid training to disaster relief and emergency communications for military families. They are part of what I consider the most universally humanitarian movement in the world (the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement).
My favorite Charity is any Children Hospital Charity
The stuff they do to make these kids lives enjoyable and pleasant is always an amazing sight even when they are sick
To see them out playing and enjoying some life instead of being stuck in a normal hospital room
I'm in! been wanting to try that one.

Fav Charity is Willen Hospice, it's a local (to me) terminal illness hospice that does great work.
I'm in, please.

I give to several legal aid society charities here in the Washington, DC area and donate time to provide legal services to underprivileged.
I'm in on this one. I've heard great things about this soap and have no problem pay for postage to get it across the pond.
Last time you can say that now! Congrats and be sure to share some pictures of the loot, we want to follow along with your new soap.
Last time you can say that now! Congrats and be sure to share some pictures of the loot, we want to follow along with your new soap.

Definitely! I will post some pics and a follow along with also a PIF in my review thread to contiune on this PIF tradition
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