I got a nice vintage handle with a 22mm golden nib Finest knot in it from a recent trade. I looks awesome, and it is so dense. It is significantly denser than my finest 23mm shavemac I used to have.
However, I just can't get good lather out of it. It is really soft, but I am getting irritation from it because it won't release the lather and I have to scrub a lot. I tried using extra soap, more water, less water...I even tried bowl lathering with it. It just won't release the lather. If Rooneys are supposed to be the densest, I can't even imagine using one of them.
What is the secret to these dense brushes? Bowl lathering, face lathering, squeezing lather out of the brush for the first pass?
However, I just can't get good lather out of it. It is really soft, but I am getting irritation from it because it won't release the lather and I have to scrub a lot. I tried using extra soap, more water, less water...I even tried bowl lathering with it. It just won't release the lather. If Rooneys are supposed to be the densest, I can't even imagine using one of them.
What is the secret to these dense brushes? Bowl lathering, face lathering, squeezing lather out of the brush for the first pass?